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Okay, I know I shouldn't be nervous but I am nervous and do you know why? OK, let me tell you. Zion finally told me that he was ready to announce me as his mate in front of all the pack members and worst. His mother is to hand over the crown to me, I couldn't believe it too so that was why I told him to let her be for now.

I wasn't ready for the throne. All I want right now is for the pack members to accept me as theirs. I've seen a lot of them shooting glares at him all the time. My heart thumps in my chest thinking about it right now. Was I ready for this? I asked myself. The answer is a big NO!

But Zion didn't have it at all. He was like the more we prolong things the more we give them a reason to talk and he was right. So here I am dressed in a purple dress that hugs my body nicely. I look beautiful I won't deny that.

I smiled at my reflection. I loved the glow all over me, this is a new me, a new Ella. I heard a knock.

" Come in"

Jeanette walked inside looking awed at me. She was short of words. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish but nothing came out. I chuckled at her shocked face. It looks priceless. This just gave me the satisfaction I was looking for.

" How do I look?" I asked swirling around.

Jeanette was amazed" You look perfect. So perfect that I wanna date you if I was a guy"

I chuckle at her joke " By the way, will Zion love this?"

She snorts " He'll surely kiss the ground you walk on when he sees you. This dress is so beautiful on you. You killed the look"

I was glad about the compliment " Thanks I guess"

" You've got nothing to thank me for. This is pure truth and you know that "

I giggled " Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not ready for this, " I said to her.

Jeanette came to stand beside me. My eyes were on the mirror looking at my reflection. She placed her hand on my shoulder.

" Miss Ella, you are beautiful, Kind, a caring person and you love with the whole of your heart. So why do you think the pack members won't like you? They'll like you beyond imagination. All they need is to understand you first"

" Really?" I let out a sigh.

I saw Jeanette nod " Yes. When they know the real you, I'm sure they won't hesitate to like you"

" Even as a human?"

" It doesn't matter at all," she said leaving no room for an argument.

I pouted " I hope it goes well"
" Me too" she smiled " You deserve this and so much more "

I turned around and pulled her in for a hug " You act so much like my older sister"

" I thought you said you are the only child," she said which made me chuckle.

" Yes, I'm an only child. You know, the way you act just makes me wish you were my elder sister." I said pulling away.

Jeanette's eyes water. She looks happy and sad at the same time " What you just said reminds me so much of many things."

I was confused " Really? "

She nodded " Yes Miss Ella. There is a lot you don't know about me " she wiped a threatening tear.

" Do you mind sharing it with me?" I asked concerned.

She shook at all" I don't mind that is if you're not in haste"

" Not at all" I shook my head.

I held her hand and directed her to have a seat " So tell me "

Jeanette took a deep breath " ok let me start by saying I'm an orphan"

"What?!"I was shocked " How? When? I thought you lived with your parent here "

She chuckled at my shocked face " I don't talk much about it" she shrugged

" But you don't look like an orphan," I said and I know I sound stupid saying that.

She burst into a fit of laughter " I never knew that orphan have their separate look"

I felt embarrassed " You know what I mean "

Her laughter later subsided " I get your point. I know right " She said "A lot of people don't know this about me "

" Well I'm the first then"

" Kate and my close relations then you" she corrected.

" Yeah," I said hitting my head slightly " So tell me something I don't know about you?"

She fiddles with her finger " Well, I'm the last born of my parent"

Okay? This new info surprises me a lot.

" Wow, this is new "

She nodded " Yeah. We were three in number. My parent gave birth to three children. Two Girls and a boy"

I kept mum waiting for her to continue.

" I lost my brother to a war that once happened. Someone killed him with a stake to the chest." She said looking into space.

I know how she must be feeling right now. Losing someone so dare you always hurts a lot.

" Was he the first child?"

She nodded " Yes he was. He was so tall that sometimes I teased him about having a short mate. My heart always aches thinking about that moment. " She said " They make me wish I was dead too. I just want to be with my loved ones. "

I pulled her in for a hug, just so to calm her down " Are you sure you want to talk about this "

She snorts " I've been quiet for too long now so this is the time I voice out how I feel. The more I lock up this feeling the more I keep hurting myself." she shrugged " So I see no reason why I should keep all this to myself. I want to be free, I want to feel alive. I don't want to always mourn all the time "

" I'm so sorry for your loss"

She away a threatening tears " It's not your fault so stop saying sorry for something you have no idea about "

I smiled encouraging " So What happened to your other sibling and your parent?"

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