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"I... I...uh...

Kate stuttered and I found it strange. Is she hiding something?

" Kate, I don't mind if you have a Mate. I'm happy if you are happy with him "

She rubbed her neck slightly" It's not about that "

I looked at her quizzically " What is it then? Is it something you can tell me?"

She wore this fearful look on her face as if she wasn't ready to say anything. I'm not forcing her to.

" Don't worry, you don't have to say anything if you are not ready" I told her with my hand resting on her shoulders.

She nodded gratefully. The truth is knowing that she doesn't want to say anything about that makes me want to know what the issue is. Is he a bully or did he by any chance reject her?

" Thanks"

" Oh it's nothing"

We continued our journey to the clinic. It was really big, so big that one can easily get lost in there. I was awed. What is it with this place having big and beautiful buildings?

We met nurses and doctors running helter-skelter. There must be an emergency from the looks of things.

I stopped walking when a man with his limbs being cut was pushed into a wheelchair. I almost puked

" Kate let's just go. There is an emergency. I can't help seeing the sight of blood, please"

Kate nodded "OK. I'm sorry I didn't come to confirm if they were busy before bringing you here"

I waved it off " It's nothing, can we now go? I'm gonna puke if we don't"

Kate saw that I was serious so she made way for me to go first. I practically ran out of the clinic with my hand covering my nose. Gosh, I hate the smell of blood.

Kate looked guilty " If I'd known that they would be busy today, I wouldn't have brought you here. I'm sorry my Luna".

" Please stop it already. Stop feeling guilty over nothing"

She still looked guilty

" I know there are other places we can go right? Please take me there. I'm not ready to go to my room yet" I said to lighten up her spirit.

Kate nodded " Yes there are "

I smiled widely " Good, lead the way then"...

She nodded and led the way. I followed closely behind her. Just when we were about to enter a building, Kate got called.

" Kate!"

She paused and then turned to the voice. Kate blushed when she saw the culprit. I got confused so I turned to see who that was.

The same guy of that day during the event stood with a frown on his face. I can remember Stella calling him Zion's brother. Looking closely at him now, the familiarity is much. The only difference between the brother is their height and also some little changes in their facial features.

" Where are you headed?" He asked rudely

Kate pushed her hair behind her ears and then said " We're headed to the display room"

What does that even mean? A display room?

He raised a brow at that but didn't say anything. His eyes then shift to mine " And who is she?"

" Lun....erm miss Ella"

" Whose friend is she?" He asked and his eyes were still on me.

Kate was about to answer so I shut her up with a raised hand " I'm Ella, Zion's guest"

" Oh wow, you call him by his first name? Interesting " he said folding his hands " Are you by any chance his concubine?"

I glared hard at him " Don't call me that! How dare you!"

Kate tried to calm me down but I wasn't having it" You don't talk to a lady like that "

He chuckled " Bravo, he got himself a feisty one, I see "

I was so furious at him right now " If you may excuse us we need to be somewhere" I held Kate's hand.

The same guy dragged me back almost hitting his chest " Listen up sweetheart, you don't wanna cross paths with me. I'm not to be messed with so watch your tongue when you talk to me " he threatened.

I wasn't fazed by his threat " You don't wanna mess with me either "

He smirked " Princess you don't know who you messing with "

The nerve of this man, how dare he threaten me?

" You..you

Kate cut me off before I could say anything " We're sorry, we'll be on our way now"

She dragged me along with her but my eyes still followed his. His smirk irks me a lot and I wish I could wipe it off his face with a slap. The nerves of him.

Kate finally stopped walking when she was sure we were far from him. She looks really scared of him though.

" Miss Ella, you can't continue doing this if you don't want to attract problems to yourself. Please just be careful of what you do and say. The Alpha might not always be around to protect you.

" Isn't that the Alpha's brother "

She nodded " Yes he is his twin. Master Xander is nothing like Alpha Zion. He is ruthless and doesn't care where you came from"

I furrowed my brows confused " How come he's given so much authority even when he is not the Alpha? I thought Alphas is the King of a palace and they have right over everyone so why is Xander behaving like an alpha too?"

Kate looked around to see if someone was eavesdropping" He also wants the throne" She whispered.

" But it's already given to Zion"

" Yes, but he doesn't care. That was why he's been out of town for quite some time The former alpha who is their father brought the decision to separate them before they kill themselves " she explained but it's still sound somehow.

" But he is back now and I see no sign that he is a changed person" I pointed out.

Kate nodded " Yes you are right. I see you are observant and it's good"

"I've always been an observant person all my life " I didn't mean to sound proud but it has to be said.

Caged by the alphaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang