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We ate quietly and for the first time I came into this pack, I truly appreciate Xander's gesture for making the lunch more entertaining for me. Zion didn't even give me any of his slightest attention he was busy with his pretty lady sitting beside him.

But what I notice is the glare he kept sending our way anytime Xander tried to say anything to me. I was boiling inside, I'd expected Zion to be close to me and not with her. I suck up my anger and continue with my food.

" Ella?"

I turned to Xander's call " yes?"

" Can you please pass me the salt?" he said and I stretched my hand to get it but before I could pick it up Zion took it.

Zion put some on his food and acted as if he didn't hear Xander's requesting it. I mentally rolled my eyes.

Xander came closer to me " He's jealous" he whispered and I didn't know when I let out a giggle.

Their mom gave me a look while their father smiled " What's funny dear?"

I sat upright not liking the attention on me " It's nothing serious Sir"

" Dear, you don't have to call me dad. You can as well call me dad, I don't mind " he said with a twinkle in his eyes. He seems so nice that is something I wish my father was alive to. I've never felt the love of my father and it hurts knowing that I won't feel that forever.

" Sure Dad," I said

Xander coughed beside me. He quickly went for the water in the cup and the worst was, the water he took was mine. What the hell is Xander trying to pull? Zion also notice and he was pissed.

Xander drank all the water and dropped the cup on the table. He smiled knowingly and then winked at me. I would have slapped him right now if it wasn't because we have elders here.

Sandra or whatever her name hid a smile. She was enjoying this. Then she did something unexpected. She placed her hand on top of Zion's own and then whispered something in his ear which made them share a laugh. What did she say? I wondered.

" Uhm Zion?do you mind showing me around the pack again? It's been ages since I came visiting, you know " She made a puppy face while she asked.

Zion was reluctant at first " I...

" Of course, he won't mind, "Luna their mom said happily. It looks like she's been waiting for this moment and now that it was happening she couldn't hide her happiness.

Is she trying to ship these two while I was here? What the hell?! This act of disrespect isn't fair after knowing that I was her son's mate. This clearly shows that she doesn't like me at all.

I was fuming where I was sitting. Zion met my burning gaze and then glanced away. I'd thought he'd decline but the idiot smiled and said " Sure, why not "

My hand was formed into a fist. I was so furious that I wanted to hit something. This is so disrespectful. I deserve some respect. First, they didn't introduce Sandra to me and now he wants to walk around with her as if she's his mate while I'm his mate. He should also ask for permission from me.

Xander cleared his throat " Don't you think you should ask for permission from your mate Zion? First you made the mistake of not introducing the two and now you are planning to go out with Sandra when Ella is here " he said smugly.

Even if Xander has an intent of saying what he said I'd agree with him because he is right. This isn't acceptable.

" Oh, Zion has a mate? How? When?" Sandra was shocked

" Oh, he didn't tell you? " Xander said " Poor thing, I know how you feel right now . Ella here is his mate. You can ask him if you don't believe" he shrugged.

Zion glared hard at a smirking Xander. I appreciate the fact that Xander was on my side, now I don't look stupid.

Sandra couldn't believe her ears. She looks mad. She stared at Zion in anger "You can't do that Zion. My sister deserves some respect at least" With that being said, she stomped away.

" Sandra wait!" Zion yelled after her and went on to catch up with her hurting me the more.

Her words kept repeating in my ears. What does she mean by saying that? Is he not allowed to have another mate since her sister passed away? What is the reason behind those words? I need to find out. This is making me confused with y.

" What the hell is wrong with you Zion?! You shouldn't have done that. Ella doesn't even care whether Zion leaves with Sandra or not so why are you making it your problem You should learn to stop interfering in things that don't concern you" Luna yelled at him.

Xander shrugged " I was only stating the fact. You and I both know that this lady here deserves some respect. "

" Who cares?! " She screamed " The same lady you are fighting for isn't our king. This lady you are talking about doesn't love your brother so allow your brother to do as he pleases" She stomped away too after saying that.

Xander, their father, and I are the only ones left. I felt so bad that what was supposed to be a beautiful lunch ended like this. I couldn't meet their eyes. I knew they were looking at me waiting to hear from me. I exhaled loudly and said.

" Dear are you ok?" The ex-alpha finally spoke up.

" I am deeply sorry for causing all this. I shouldn't have been here in the first place and the Luna is right, Zion has the right to do as they please. " I felt stupid saying all those words.

" Are you for real Ella?! " Xander practically yelled. Why does he even care? Last I remember he never liked me so what changes?

" I'm serious Zion. You shouldn't have interfered, I don't mind "

" Oh, but your expression shows otherwise. I saw you balled your fist the moment she placed her hand on Zion's" he clearly stated.

I felt embarrassed because I didn't expect anyone to see that. " Thanks so much for your concern but I think you should stop it already. I appreciate the care "

Xander looked at me with a shocked expression "You're unbelievable" and went out of the dining leaving his dad and me alone.

What does this have to end like this? This isn't fair at all.

" I know what you might be thinking now Never blame yourself for things that are beyond you. Things like this are bound to happen. "

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