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Jeanette stared at me with wide eyes " Huh?"

I raised a brow " Yeah, you heard right. Have you ever been in love or should I say are you in love with someone right now?"

A blush crept up her face " I don't know what you're saying".

I chuckled. I understood that she didn't see that question coming " We are friends so I don't see anything embarrassing here "

She fiddles with her fingers " I have a mate "

I knew it. I saw that coming " Wow!"

" Yeah," she couldn't meet my eyes.

" Is that why you're embarrassed? Please don't be " I said giving her a little push.

She was so shy that she made me giggle" So who is the lucky charm?"

" He is one of the guards," She said " His name is Seth"

A nice name " Wow I'm loving this already. He sure must be so loving for you to hide him from me "

" I didn't mean to hide it from you. We never talked about me so I felt no need to raise the subject" She defended.

" But it doesn't matter if I ask you or not. I'll always celebrate your wins with you and nothing can stop that " I tried to lift her spirit.

" Thanks, I guess," she said

" Tell me about him," I said sitting appropriately " Is he handsome?" I asked wiggling my brows and she blushed so deep.

" Oh please " She covered her face feeling ashamed " Don't make me shy please"

I laughed so loudly " Someone is in love "

" Oh please stop " She pouted making me laugh the more.

" I can't believe I have a partner in all this relationship thing and I never knew, " I told her.

She shrugged " It is what it is "

" I'm very glad though. You just made my day really "

Jeanette chuckled " It's not a big deal"

" It's a big deal for me"

She shook her head at me " You're just too funny for your good and you know it"

I giggled " You can't blame me "

A knock cut our little moment. Jeanette stared at me to know whether I was expecting someone.

" It could be Zion". I said and got up to get the door.

My guess was right. Zion stood by the door with his two hands inside his pocket. Oh Lord, this man will be the death of me and he knows that too. He knows the kind of effects he has on me.

He gave me a charming smile " Like what you see?" He winked and I swear I swooned. It's unavoidable.

" I don't know what you're talking about " I finally said when I got a hold of myself.

He chuckled loudly " So are you ready?" He asked and just then I realized that we had somewhere to be. I was so busy gawking at him that I forgot about what we were supposed to do.

Zion stared down at me then he whistled softly. " You look so good "His reaction was priceless.

I felt like I a encouraged to dress more like this. I was a sweat and pant person. A dress is never my thing but then again the reaction I just saw on Zion's face gave me the zeal to always put on a dress.

" Thanks " I blushed

Jeanette who was inside the room came to the door, She bowed her head at Zion" I'll take my leave now "

" We'll talk later, I promise, " I said giving her a way to pass.

She nodded " No problem at all"

Jeanette left but not after giving me a wink. Secretly of course and I giggled softly.

My eyes went back to that of Zion's" Was that why you knocked on the door?"

He shrugged " I didn't want to disturb you by coming in like that ".

I closed the door behind him as we finally got inside.

" Awn, that is so nice of you. You don't know how that makes me feel." I stood on my tiptoe and then pecked him on the cheek.

Zion chuckled " You never cease to amaze me "

I hit his chest slightly "  You always find something amusing to say"

" Why won't I? When I'm with my beloved" He said with a smirk.

" So shall we?" I said instead. I was so shy that I wanted the topic to die there.

He understood what I was talking about " Yes we shall"

The feeling I was having earlier came washing over me. The feeling that they might not accept me.

" What if they don't like me?" I asked him

Zion gave me a firm look " Never say that. They'll accept you for you and nothing can stop that from happening "

" I don't know why I still feel so scared even after I was being encouraged but Jeanette. I don't want them to look at me like some loser that's why" I said fiddling with my fingers.

" Where is that Ella I used to know? The one who doesn't give a fuck about what people think of her. " He said looking me dead in the eyes.

" I'm here, " I said

" Good. Remember how you always stood up to me the other day? That is the spirit I'm looking for. The same Ella that always stood up to me when I became too stubborn. That is the Ella I want to see not this one standing in front of me right now"

I was filled with determination. I want to be with him forever and if I want that to happen, I need not to ever look down on myself. I need to always be focused and that is my aim right now.

" I am Ella and I don't shy away from my problem," I said to myself

" That's the spirit I'm looking for" He chuckled " So are you ready?"

I nodded " As ready as I can be "

" Good" he smirked then bent a little to claim my lips.

I gasped a little at the action but kissed him back. It was a smooth and nice kiss. Nothing deep nor fierce. It was a simple kiss but then I loved it.

" Are you better now "

I nodded " Yes"

" Good, now we can move "

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