"Is that the only reason you're angry?" He asks and this time I'm pushed to the opposite wall of the hallway. I look up at Sawyer with a smile.

The anxious feeling is still there. I know something isn't right but we don't remember, no point in asking further questions.

"Ew not in the hallway." Avery pushes us apart and walks right on through.

"I just ordered breakfast. It should be here in fifteen minutes." Evan announces and I plop myself onto the couch. I turn on the t.v. and put on random cartoons as background noise as I sketch. 

Sawyer sits beside me and watches me draw. With one hand being free, he plays with my fingers. I don't notice, my focus on my other hand drawing. I do notice when I need to hold the paper down and I turn to Sawyer.

"What are you drawing?" He asks. I look down at the drawing in front of me. It does look like gibberish, random lines everywhere.

I don't tell him. I just smile. I'm drawing our daughter from New York.

"I know it's obviously a face, but there aren't any details." He continues as he tries to get who I'm drawing out of me.

"It's..." I stop when we hear a loud knock at the door.

"It's the breakfast! It's breakfast!" Avery runs to the door.

We don't mind her any attention and I turn down to my drawing.

"You were saying..." Sawyer softly laughs.

"It's...." I pause for dramatic effect but Avery gasps louder.

"Joseph?" She says out loud and my stomach sinks down with dread. The last time I saw Joseph it wasn't good. He brushed me off, and I didn't feel like I was talking to the Joseph I know.

"What the hell?" Sawyer mutters and turns around to get a better view of Joseph. I don't know what to do. I'm usually excited to see him and if I don't act like I am Sawyer will know something is off.

I pretend I don't hear the commotion as I try and draw, and the only thing I do is make the same line darker and darker and darker.

"Woah." Sawyer notices and stops my hand. "Trying to kill the paper?" He asks, I don't look up at him. I quickly try to compose myself and then I look at him.

"Sorry, what?" I ask. He doesn't say anything and I see his eyes click. He puts two and two together. Dammit.

"Joseph is here." He says and my eyes widen in surprise and I know I'm over playing how excited I am.

"He is? Where?" I ask but I can't help and go back to my drawing.

"Hey everyone." Joseph looks at all of us sitting somewhere in the living room. My back is facing him and I don't give him a second look.

"Brother!" Sawyer gets up but I feel his eyes on me, wondering what's gone on between Joseph and me.

"Sawyer. You look older." Joseph jokes, and I hear them hug as someone pats someone on the back. I can't see who as I'm trying to focus on drawing.

"I can't believe you're here. This is a good surprise. But Evan, where's breakfast?" Avery complains and Evan looks at his phone.

"It's five minutes away." He says and he heads over to hug Joseph as well.

"What did I miss?" Drew is barely waking up. He eyes everyone, "Good mornin...." He stops when he lands on Joseph and my eyes widen. "ing." He awkwardly finishes.

No one says anything. I think they're all waiting for me to jump excitedly, be happy and do something but I just can't bring myself to it. Either I'm very stubborn or I'm hormonal. Either way they're both playing a part.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now