Chapter twenty-seven: New Moons

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As Keith had a broken arm which has a week to heal, He went to the infirmary to get treatment. The doctor gave him a sling to wear and a painkiller to help with the pain. He was also given instructions to rest his arm.

He thanked the doctor and left. He decided to take a break and go for a walk outside. He felt the sun on his face and took a deep breath.

As he sat there, he noticed Romelle walking towards him, a hint of a smile on her face.He nodded in greeting, and she sat down beside him.

"Just a broken arm," Keith said, anticipating her question. "I'll be fine."

Romelle's smile grew wider. "Coran and I want to thank you," she said, her voice sincere. "Your bravery during the battle with the Galra... it was inspiring."

Keith looked away, feeling a hint of embarrassment. "I just did what needed to be done," he said, downplaying his role.

Romelle placed a hand on his arm, her touch gentle. "You did more than that, Keith. You helped save our home. And we're grateful."

Keith met her gaze, feeling a sense of connection. "You're welcome," he said, his voice softening.

As they sat there in comfortable silence, Keith realized that this was what he had been missing – a sense of belonging, of being part of something bigger than himself. And with Romelle and the others by his side, he felt a sense of hope that he hadn't felt in a long time.

"Romelle?" Keith said, turning to her.

"Yes?" she said.

"What's next? Now that the Galra are on the run, what's the plan?" Keith asked.

Romelle's expression turned thoughtful. "Normally I would love to go against the Galra but Coran says no."

Keith nodded thoughtfully, considering Coran's perspective. "That makes sense. We can't afford to be reckless."

Romelle nodded in agreement. "Exactly. But it's hard to be patient when you know the Galra are still out there, plotting and scheming."

Keith's grip on his sling tightened, his mind racing with the possibilities. "We'll get them, Romelle. We'll take them down, and we'll make sure they can't hurt us again."

Romelle's smile returned, her eyes sparkling with determination. "I know we will, Keith. Together, we'll make it happen."

As they sat there, the sun dipping below the horizon, Keith felt a sense of purpose wash over him. He knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but with Romelle and the others by his side, he felt a sense of hope that he hadn't felt in a long time.

"Hey, Romelle?" Keith said, turning to her.

"Yes?" she said.

"Thanks for talking with me. I needed this." Keith said.

Romelle's smile softened, her touch gentle on his arm. "Anytime, Keith. We're in this together, always."

With Shiro, he was working on his basics like holding his breath and flexibility... he was glad he had written those down in his journal.

As Shiro continued swinging his sword.

"Good job, Shiro! Your form is improving. Remember to keep your knees bent and your weight centered." Keith said.

"Got it, Keith. I'm trying to focus on my breathing too. I want to be able to hold my breath for longer." Shiro said.

"That's great! Control over your breath is essential for a warrior. Now, let's try some sword swings. Remember to keep your arm straight and your grip firm." Keith said.

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