Chapter Five: Returning to Aurs

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As everyone was leaving the mist since the Alteans's injuries weren't too severe as Romelle walked down the path as Coran walked alongside her.

Shiro looking behind them. He could go back where he started but he can't, become a space captain or explorer to prove everyone wrong, as he'd always wanted. Prove that he's not sick or weak effectively as his optic stabilizer buzzed softly, Shiro sighed as he was keeping his muscles loose again.

The flashes of color were mesmerized until they got to the end of the mist, and it was an amazing sight. It had an enormous mountain that was split into two, but only that, a thriving village was in the center and it was amazing to Shiro's bewilderment.

"Welcome to our home, Arus and the shrine of Lions", Coran says.

As the group entered the village, they were met with the sight of several old buildings, some of them ruins, stone carving and full-length lions statues that appeared to have fallen over and nearly all of it was covered in plants, vines or simply submerged underwater.

Their structures have a little bit of Greek in design but also carried the design of both southeast Asia and Maya as well, or maybe Arus is a confining of all those cultures from Earth and that was why it seemed so similar.

It was incredibly fascinating, but despite being incredibly hyped about being here, Shiro felt something like a little nudge in the back of his mind.

"Why did it look...old and die." Shiro thought.

According to the stories that his grandfather had told him, Aurs seems less advanced than he had first imagined it would be, sure their civilization had gone through some kind of great disaster, according to legend but still...

Aurs still have things like electricity but not the power of flight or Alchemy and the power source called magic, there wasn't anything that supported that hypothesis, the only sign of such advancement so far had been the shrine in the center of the lake.

If anything it looked like their civilization had...regressed.

Still this observation passed by the others, but it was clear they were used to it.

Soon they were led towards the center of the city and the great shrine. but it didn't look like a shrine in Shiro's eyes: it was surprisingly like a castle with a futuristic look with the same pearl color but with an amazing blue color on its four nacelles. The whole scene was an incredible place to him.

As they entered they were asked to leave injured outside as the local doctor can take care of them, the ones to was Shiro, Romelle and Coran.

"Right this way," Coran said, holding the shrine open for everyone, one by one stepping inside. Then the door closes.

The Shrine was empty, however, the inside was beautiful, at its center lies a ballroom with long great stairs of white along with lights of blue, but Shiro felt exhausted from the day that he had.

"Now that we're out of immediate danger, we can have a proper look-see," the Altean said. He then gently cupped Shiro's chin. "Let me see your face for a moment, boy."

"Uhh..." Shiro muttered, nervously as Coran turned his head to the left, then to the right.

"...How odd," Coran mused. "Perhaps it is my old age, playing tricks on me...but I almost look like the Samurai that visited us years ago."

"...The Samurai?" Shiro repeated as he swatted his hand to release his chin.

"Yes, but be at ease, young man," said Coran. "We are no dark daemons and we are the same as you and me."

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