Chapter Twenty-eight: Stole Bones and Earth

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After the Spider Heads, Aurs turns back to a state of normalcy, The streets were bustling with people as the shrine of lions were cleaning up the webs that were left behind by the spiders.

"Ah, it's great to see the town back to normal," Shiro said, walking alongside Keith as they watched the shrine lions at work.

"Yeah, it's amazing how quickly everything can return to normal after a disaster," Keith replied, nodding in agreement.

Romelle skipped up to them, a brush in her hand. "Hey guys! I'm helping the shrine lions clean up the webs. Want to join me?"

Stats, who was walking behind them, piped up. "Stats, Stats."

Coran chuckled. "I think we'll leave the cleaning to the professionals, Stats. But thanks for the offer."

As they continued down the street, they saw the townspeople going about their daily business, laughing and chatting with each other.

"It's like the Spider Heads never existed," Keith said, shaking his head in amazement.

Shiro smiled. "That's the resilience of the people of Aurs. They can bounce back from anything."

Coran nodded in agreement. "It's a testament to the strength of the spirit."

Shiro looked down, his expression turning contemplative. "You know I can help but feel that this is my fault."

Keith's eyes snapped to his surprise written across his face. "What, no, this isn't your fault."

Shiro took a deep breath. "But I bought the crystal here."

Keith's expression turned firm. "Shiro, no. You can't blame yourself for this. The Spider Heads would have found another way to get the crystal if you hadn't brought it here."

Shiro's eyes dropped to the ground, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm the one who brought it into the town. I'm the one who puts everyone in danger."

Romelle's brush paused mid-stroke, concern etched on her face. "Shiro, that's not true. You were trying to help us, remember?"

"You were trying to protect us from the crystal's power," Romelle continued. "And you did. You saved us, Shiro."

Shiro's gaze remained fixed on the ground, his voice still barely above a whisper. "But at what cost? The town was attacked, people were's all because of me."

Keith's expression turned gentle. "Shiro, stop. You're not responsible for the Spider Heads' actions. They're the ones who chose to attack the town, not you."

Shiro's eyes slowly rose to meet Keith's, a hint of doubt still lingering in them.

Coran placed a hand on Shiro's shoulder. "Keith's right, Shiro. You can't blame yourself for this. We're a team, remember? We work together, we support each other. And we forgive ourselves for our mistakes."

Shiro took a deep breath, his shoulders sagging slightly as he let out a slow sigh. "Thanks, guys. I needed to hear that."

Romelle smiled, her brush strokes resuming their gentle rhythm. "Anytime, Shiro. That's what friends are for."

As they continued down the street, the group fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound the soft rustling of the shrine lions' brushes and the gentle hum of the townspeople's chatter.

He was running. The forest floor and trees blurred past his vision with each sprint he made. The wind whipped around his ears and his silvery locks.

Then, all of a sudden, something whistled through the air, followed by the strong thrum of a bowstring, and as he jumped in front of this lone tree, he gasped in pain as he felt the sharp point of an arrowhead in his chest, pinning him against the tree.

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