Chapter six: The red daemon resurrected

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Shiro's breath came in ragged gasps as he sprinted through the forest, his legs pumping furiously as he desperately tried to outrun Mistress Centipeede. But of course, she was gaining on him - with all those legs, it was only a matter of time.

"Hand over the quintessence Crystal!" she shrieked, her voice like a rusty gate.

Shiro threw a frustrated glance over his shoulder. "Why do you keep insisting I have it?!"

But before he could even finish the sentence, his feet tangled in a hidden root and he went tumbling to the ground. He barely dodged Mistress Centipeede's snapping jaws as he fell, landing hard on the damp earth.

"Ugh...just my luck..." Shiro muttered, scrambling to his feet.

But before he could take another step, a voice called out from above. "Why are you playing with puny bugs like Mistress Centipeede, Allura?"

Shiro's head jerked up, his eyes widening in shock as he saw Keith's smug face staring down at him. "Huh?" Shiro stuttered, his mind reeling. "It's you! Keith!'re alive?!"

Keith's grin grew even wider as he gazed down at Shiro. "Surprise, surprise," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "And you're still playing with daemons. How quaint."

His words were filled with hostility, and he glared down at Shiro with a sharp look and suddenly the now awaking boy was looking at him in disdain.

"Wait a minute, you're not Allura" the boy shouted.

Shiro's eyes narrowed, his face set in a determined expression. "Of course I'm not! Lemme tell you something, buddy. My name is Shiro, and I have no idea what you're talking about."

Keith's gaze faltered for a moment, his expression confused. "Shiro? But...but you look just like..."

"Like what...?" Shiro asked.

"Royu?" Keith said.

"Royu? Who is this person?" Shiro asked.

Keith interrupted, his eyes fixed on something above them. "She's here."

Shiro's head jerked up, and he shrieked in horror as Mistress Centipeede dropped down from the tree, her jaws open wide. "H-hey, let go!!" Shiro cried, struggling to free himself.

But just as Mistress Centipeede was about to strike, several spears pierced her side, causing her to cry out in pain. "We got her!!" shouted one of the Aerians men.

Shiro sagged in exhaustion, his lower body aching from the struggle. "I'm...I'm saved..." he whispered, relief washing over him.

But Keith's next words sent a chill down his spine. "That isn't enough to kill her."

Shiro's confusion turned to alarm. "What do you mean? We just saved ourselves!"

Keith's gaze was cold. "You know, kill her in one strike, just like I was when she did me. Or wait for the sun to incinerate her, since she's a dark daemon."

Shiro's mind reeled. "Dark daemon? What are you talking about?"

Keith's smirk was infuriating. "Heh, you're pathetic, Ryou."

Shiro's anger flared. "Will you stop this?! First, Allura, now Ryou?! I don't know who they are! I just know it's NOT ME!"

Keith's eyes narrowed. "Who are you trying to fool? There's no way you're not Ryou...but your energy...wait..." He gasped silently, his eyes wide with shock. "...You're...not him."

Shiro threw up his hands. "Of course, I'm not! That's what I've been trying to tell you! My name is Shiro! Shi-ro! You got it?!"

Keith looked away, his expression unreadable. "'re right. Ryou was...a lot hotter than you."

The samurai, An Legendary Adventure Tale Part 1Where stories live. Discover now