Chapter Eleven: Heartstone rebels

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Well, now here's a little bit of a rundown of what has happened so far. Shiro, Romelle and Keith found themselves in a swamp where they had no idea how to get back to Aurs, but somehow they would. All seemed good and they managed to catch a break right? Wrong. Why do you wonder?

Because now a whole army of people wielding axes, guns and anything that you can think of as a weapon was glaring down right at them. They just can't catch a break huh?

"Ah crap..." Keith cursed upon seeing them.

"Uh...guys...more people. Are these ones friendly, or unfriendly?" Shiro asked nervously. 

"There's an entire army of them, packing torches and pitchforks. What do you think?" Keith said sarcastically.

" it.” Shiro said as the one leading them stopped tapping his ax on the concrete slab and raised it up.

"Chaaaarge! " He roared out pointing it forward and all of them charged forward.

The men on horse-like creatures charged towards Shiro, Romelle, Keith, and Stats. "We gotta get out of here!" Shiro shouted, and they fled through the marsh, pursued by the group clad in orange, black, and blue.

They crashed through the underbrush and stumbled into the water, finding temporary refuge among the long grass. Shiro brushed leaves off his outfit and looked around, relieved that the group hadn't focused on them. "Keep searching for the perimeter, it's got to be around here somewhere," a man with a scruffy white beard and tapered elvish ears shouted.

A small cat-like creature yelled, "Destroyer, where are you hiding?"

But the dog-like creature, Captain Olia, dismounted and said, "We're wasting our time. Whatever it is, it's long gone by now."

Lieutenant Ozar disagreed, "We don't know that for sure, Captain Olia."

Olia pointed out, "You think our weapons can handle this thing, the one that attacked the swamp village?"

Just then, a rebel shouted, "Sir, we found something! Two rebel men discovered something in the water!" Ozar and Olia approached the object, and Ozar's eyes widened as he recognized it - a collar from the monster Shiro had fought.

Ozar nodded to Olia, "This is definitely from the Bunyip!" Olia exclaimed,

"If that's here, something must have happened to the Bunyip!" Ozar deduced, "The Galra must have gotten rid of it! From the moment we knew about it!"

The group's attention turned to the collar, unaware that Shiro, the one who had unintentionally defeated the Bunyip, was hiding just a short distance away.

Shiro pressed his head over the edge of the long grass, with a great scent of curiosity, he spotted the forms of people surrounding the place where he wiped out the Bunyip, he couldn't make out any details but realized there's any way to get back to Arus, it's them.

"Hey guys, I think we should team up with these people and find the way back home," Shiro informed the others

"Oh, Shiro. We shouldn't mix with these people unless they hang out cupcakes and rainbows". Keith groaned at his naïve personality.

Romelle questioned, "How do we know we can trust these people?"

Shiro decided to take a chance and called out to the group for help. Keith and Romelle were skeptical, but Shiro approached the group, who appeared unfriendly and armed to the teeth.

As Shiro drew closer, he noticed the group's diverse appearances, including non-human features like Togruta, Wookiees, and a mandrill-like face. The humans among them had a mix of brown and blonde hair, but their faces were caked with mud, making them look like they hadn't washed in years.

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