Chapter Twenty-nine: Despicable Witch

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After officially joining the group, Lance directed Shiro, Keith, and Stats to the next destination. Arcadia, not the Arcadia from Earth.

"There it is, the city of Arcadia!" Lance said, pointing towards a futuristic city in the distance. Shiro found the city to be amazing, it was nothing like back home on Earth. "I came here with my friend, Hunk."

"And sure we will find some answers here." Shiro said.

"Yes or no, hard to tell." Lance said.

"Stats." Stats said.

"You said it, Stats. We are definitely not Aurs anymore." Keith said.

"Arcadia is the home for both humans and daemons." Katara told him.

"Yeah I know." Keith said.

"Well, let's go, slowpokes! The real fun is inside the city!" Lance told them excitedly and farther down the hill that they had landed on.

Once inside, Keith, Lance and Shiro looked at the City and oh my is one word you would use to describe this city is; big as heck. And so full of people too. It was already night but there are tons of them still meagering about. The buildings were so tall, the lights were so bright.

"Whoa oh my God." Keith said as he got so overwhelmed, for a countryside person that is.

"Wow, you really do come from the countryside." Lance said.

"Yeah, I'm not exactly a big fan of the city." Keith said.

Shiro and Stats went over to the railing to look over the city. There were many houses and apartments crowded inside the walls with chutes weaving around the buildings.

"This is the Arcadia delivery system," Lance explained. "Miles and miles of tubes and chutes. Earth Magic brings the packages up and gravity brings them down."

"Great, so they get their mail on time," Keith said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah...what is Magic?" Shiro said.

"You don't know what magic is." Lance said. "Did someone teach you about it?"

"Well I remembered this old woman Violet taught me about it." Shiro said.

"Well, magic comes from people which they get from Daemons." Lance said.

"They get it from daemons?" Shiro questioned.

"Yeah, here I'll show you." Lance answered as he walked to a water fountain. With a deep breath, he began to move his hand, causing a globe of water to form in his hands.

An ecstatic look graced the bender's face as she successfully bended the water. Katara smiled, proud of her friend.

"Wow, you can do that." Shiro said.

"It takes a lot of practice." Lance said as he put the water back into the fountain.

"I didn't know that...Keith, can you do that?" Shiro said.

"Well, not exactly." Keith said. "I can only summon the fire through my knife, that's how I'm able to do those cool awesome moves."

"Really, you couldn't make some awesome moves without your knife." Lance said.

"Of course I could do it." Keith said. "Here." He then got out a lighter which Keith ignited.

As Keith starts to get a fire glowing, trying to do the exact same thing that Lance did.


Shiro heard something from a distance. Curious, he left and went to see what's going on.

And to his surprise, it was even more shocking than any type of fight: A group of four Galra soldiers was clustered around a little girl who had backed into a pile of tea kettles.

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