Chapter Seven: Keith and Romelle

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Shiro reached out. He was standing inside a room that seemed to be made of glimmering night, When did it all start to feel so distant? So...small?

It happened too fast. One minute, he was in his hospital room and the next, Shiro was inside some kind of weird room. However, he was relieved to see Adam standing next to him, but his eyes were glowing golden, like he was possessed by something.

"Hello, Shiro". A voice said in front of me, Shiro looked ahead and saw this strange woman standing in front of him.

"Who are you?" Shiro asked, jumping to his feet, "what's going on?"

"My name is Scarlett, I have been waiting a long time for you, but I could not reach you until you found the portal". She said.

"You activate the portal?" Shiro asked.

"Yes to look for the sword", Scarlett replied, an image of a sword, It looks like a samurai sword with blue gen embedded in the grey hilt, but the sword itself was forged from a silver-white metal that gleaming from the sunlight, Shiro reached for it, but his hand passed right through it.

"Altea requires you, Shiro", Scarlett said. "Will you answer the call? will you fight for the people of Arus and the planet?"

"What are you talking about?" Shiro asked. " What is that, what sword? You're not making any sense! I don't understand".

"You will", Scarlett promised. The vision began to break apart around them, Scarlett faded away.

"Wait! Come back..." he murmured as he awoke.

What Shiro saw was the shrine's bright ceiling. Shiro was right where he was before he fell asleep: still in the room where he recovered.

God had not heard his plea. "Why...?" As he slowly arose, he sort of wanted to cry. Everyone back home had to be worried sick. Panicked... everyone was probably looking for him. Adam... he wondered what happened to him. He was standing right there watching when he was dragged into the well or the portal by the centipede woman, since he was so easily frightened, he had to have been scared to death, no one will ever believe him, especially how he got hurt.

Just how long was he going to have to be in this place... this planet? How was he going to get back to his own world? And why was he even all mixed up in this in the first place?

Was it because he really was Altea's savor

So, like it was fate, as he led here?

What do I do...? If I can't ever get back home, what's going to happen to me...?" He said to himself as the most frightening thought surfaced in Shiro's mind, making him filled with doubt.

"No, don't give up! You got to remember" he scolded himself out loud. Keeping such pessimistic thoughts wouldn't change his situation. Just keep your eyes forward. Just believe you'll be able to go home. Stop fretting and try doing something.

The room was already empty, with a few injured and nurses for the day, judged it, it was getting to be the afternoon. For some reason, Coran and Romelle seemed to be gone. Having probably gone off somewhere, he didn't see Keith, either.

Shiro stood up briskly and did a few routine stretches from the training wing of the Garrison. Once he got his blood flowing, he started feeling a little better. At any rate, might as well try walking around the shrine and if he managed to see him, maybe try talking to Keith a bit, just to get his thoughts together. He still couldn't believe what he was hearing, though. To hear that he was the reincarnation of the priestess and the samurai who protected the quintessence Crystal, not to mention last night's attack from Mistress just caused his head to swirl. Not just that, but now, not only did he have to find some way to get home, but he was also tasked with protecting this crystal?

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