Chapter thirty-nine: The Daemon killers

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In the deamon explorer's village, after the short funeral, the Galra army infiltrate trash the place, once more. The Galra surround the group, and the rest that come in, bring stragglers. It was a horrifying moment, that the Galra have come to scare the group. Adam and Shiro were watching from the gate.

"Adam, The Galra!" Shiro cried. "They're overrunning the whole town, we have to stop them." Shiro took a few steps, until Adam held him back. "Chill out, they're with me," he said.

Shiro was shocked, "They're WHAT?! Adam, do you have any idea what they're doing?" Just then, Keith and Stats came up to the two.

"Shiro! Shiro!" Keith cried. "The Galra! they are Everywhere!"

"I know," said Shiro. "I got some notion."

Stats hops to get everyone's attention, and points to Adam. "Stats, Stats!"

"Oh yeah," said Shiro. "Keith, Stats, meet Adam, he is from home, too."

Adam gives his greetings to the half-daemon, "Hey."

"Hey!" Keith said. "Now can someone tell me why there's a army attacking this place, again?!"

"You're Keith?" Adam asked. "I thought you'd be taller."

Keith glared, "What do you mean by that?"

"Relax," said Adam. "We're not invading anything." He gives Keith a small smack as he walks by. "Come on, guys. We don't want to keep Sendak waiting."

Shiro and Keith perked up by the mention of the name.

"Sendak," scorned Shiro. "The same Galra that went after the quintessence Crystal?"

Keith asked. "Here?"

"Yeah," replied Adam. "He's not so bad once you get used to him. Now hurry up nerds."

Adam makes his way into town square while the three makes their way back into the village.

Commander Sendak stands on a cobblestone wall. He is shown with dark purple skin, a scar over his right eye and lip. His eyes, one robotic and one glowing yellow, stared down on the group. Adam, Shiro, and Keith stood by his side.

"Everyone!" Sendak announced. "We Galra have come here to..." Lance and the others waited in suspense, scared of what Sendak was going to say. "...Invite you to a banquet." The group were shocked by this. "The moment we heard that Shiro were here, we rushed over to reunite these two and hold a celebration."

"What?" Lance questioned.

"Hold up, back up, you came back to this Village to tell us that." Pidge said.

"Yes!" Sendak said. "Despite my rough exterior, I really am just an 'old softie'." Adam gestured Sendak to smile, which he did in an evil way.

"Seriously, you just attacked the Village and took my family from me, and you expect us to believe that you're a softie!"  Hunk yelled.

The crowd remained silent until, "What does Shiro think?" Romelle asked.

Adam gives a cute look in Shiro's face, and rubs his cheek on his. Keith was uncomfortable, considering that it's the Galra. But Shiro said, "Adam and I been together since we have been cadets. If he says it's fine, it's fine."

"Whoo! All aboard the trucks!" Adam announced. Lance, Hunk, Pidge, Romelle and Kiaion hop into one of the trucks. Shiro and Keith were behind the group, but Adam stopped them. "Shiro, you're with me." He points to his truck.

"That's impressive," said Keith.

"Mind if the Keith and Stats come along too?" Shiro asked.

Adam glared down, then said, "Of course I don't mind. The more the merrier." Stats cheered, but Keith remained silent. 

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