Chapter Twenty-three: The illuminating mask of Terror

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After long full days of rigorous training at the hand of Keith, Shiro was finally able to wield his sword with skill and grace. He had become a master of the art of combat, and was ready to take on any challenge. He was ready to take on the world.

However...A woman arrives at the shrine with an old family heirloom left to her by her father.

"Welcome, miss...?" one of the guards trails off, eyeing her scarred face warily.

"I am Akane," she replies, her voice low and husky. "I've come to deliver this to the shrine." She holds out the case, which continues to rumble and shake.

The guards exchange a nervous glance. "What is it?" one of them asks, trying to keep his voice steady.

Akane's eyes seem to cloud over, her gaze drifting into the past. "The Mask of Flesh," she whispers. "My father left it to me...with a warning."

The guards take a step back, their eyes fixed on the case. "You shouldn't have brought it here," one of them says, his voice barely above a whisper.

Akane's gaze snaps back to the present, her eyes flashing with a hint of anger. "I had no choice," she says, her voice firm. "I have to know the truth."

As she speaks, the case lid begins to open, as if pushed by an invisible hand. The guards gasp, backing away in terror.

"Akane, don't!" one of them cries, but she reaches out and lifts the mask from its resting place.

For a moment, she hesitates, the mask hovering above her face. Then, with a swift motion, she puts it on.

The guards scream, turning to flee, but it's too late. Akane's eyes turn black as coal, and she begins to change...

As Akane puts on the Mask of Flesh, Shiro and Romelle feel a sudden disturbance in the air. They are in the shrine's inner sanctum, meditating and focusing their energies.

Shiro's eyes snap open, his senses on high alert. "What's happening?" he asks Romelle, who looks just as concerned.

Romelle's eyes are closed, her face scrunched in concentration. "I don't know, but it feels like... darkness. A presence that's suffocating."

Shiro jumps to his feet, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "I'll go check it out."

Romelle nods, opening her eyes. "Be careful, Shiro. Whatever it is, it feels powerful."

Shiro nods and hurries out of the sanctum, following the source of the disturbance. He finds himself at the entrance of the shrine, where Akane and the guards were gone.

Shiro's eyes scan the area, his senses on high alert. He can feel the darkness lingering, a malevolent presence that seems to be growing stronger by the minute.

"Shiro." Coran asked.

"Coran." Shiro said.

"Shiro, what's going on?" Coran asks, his voice low and urgent. "I sense a darkness, a presence that's spreading fast."

Shiro's eyes narrow, his grip on his sword tightening. "I don't know, but I think it has something here."

"I see." Coran said.

Shiro takes a deep breath and raises his sword, ready to take on whatever is coming. He can feel his heart pounding in his chest as he prepares for battle.

Unknowingly to him...Akane's eyes narrow, her gaze fixed on the crystal around Shiro's neck. "The Quintessence Crystal," she hisses, her voice full of malice. "I've been searching for that."

A little while later, after Shiro had taken a quick shower, He was sitting at the table, enjoying a nice breakfast of toast, sunny-side-up eggs, slices of ham, and cherry tomatoes.

The samurai, An Legendary Adventure Tale Part 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora