Chapter twenty-two: Galra tax

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After Vega went to the afterlife, Shiro and Keith can finally continue on their endeavors by making a small detour while getting the next set of their supplies.

On this day, both Shiro and Keith were accompanying Romelle to the Grub & Go.

"Oh! Rainbow Rolls are on sale." Romelle said.

"Ooh! That reminds me. I'm gonna go grab some of that jerky I like." Keith said.

"Okay, Keith. See ya outside." Romelle said, before Shiro and Keith walked off. He then just threw all of the rainbow Rolls into the cart.

As they walked down the aisle, Keith looked at his friend and blushed a little.

"So you're really adapting here." Keith told him.

"Yeah I guess I am... I saw a bunch of weird stuff that will make anyone go crazy." Shiro said.

"Tell me about it, our world is crazy." Keith said, bashfully.

"And the food." Shiro said as he looked at some of the spices on sale. "Especially with how Romelle cooks. But we can't eat her cooking forever, so I'm trying to learn how to cook other foods. I wonder if I can make curry in this world. Oh, score!!"

He grabbed a single bag of jerky from the shelf. The only one that was on the shelf.

"Here you go, Keith," he said, turning to her. "The last of the–"

All of a sudden, an Altean boy, 15-year-old, grabbed the bag out of Shiro's hand. The two looked at the boy grabbed the jerky with his hand.

"Hey, what the hell! That was totally our," Keith said angrily.

"Didn't see your name on it, Half-daemon," He said to them before guffawing and hopping off.

"Hey! Don't call him that," Shiro said, shaking his fist at him.

However, Keith was hit in the back of his legs. The two looked back to see that it was an old woman that rammed into his.

"Hey! Move your big behind, half-daemon. I need cookies," she said, repeatedly ramming Keith with her cart.

"You can go around him." Shiro frowned at her.

The old woman was going to retort at him, but then she saw it was the young man that said it. Seeing the way that he was staring at her seemed to frighten her a little, because she silently took his advice and went around Keith and Shiro.

With a sigh, Keith grabbed Shiro's arm and pulled him along. "Come on, let's just go," he said, wanting to leave the store and go home.

Even after all this time that he's spent in Aurs and being around the people, it all remains the same. They still feared and didn't respect Keith.

"Your behind is not big. I'm big. Technically, it's to scale," Shiro grumbled to himself.

"Don't let them get to you, Shiro," Keith said, trying to calm him down. However, he didn't notice the water on the floor in front of him. When Keith stepped on it, the water caused him to slip and fall down onto the ground.

"Hey! Didn't you see the sign, half-daemon?" the teenage girl that was mopping the floor said, pointing to the wet floor sign near Keith.

"Classic, clumsy half-breed," laughed Quill.

The Alteans inside of the store joined in and laughed at Keith.

The young man flushed red with embarrassment, but wasn't going to let them get to him. Shiro, on the other hand, looked quite embarrassed as he helped Keith on his feet, he then pulled Keith along and the two walked out of the store.

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