Chapter thirty-eight: the ruins and the Lost boy

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After a few days, the group continued their journey to find the daemon explorers came to an end.

As Shiro was looking at the reflection of his sword.

"Hey, Shiro."

Shiro turns around to see Hunk.

"Hey." Shiro said

As the mood itself had long set, the light from the sword was brighter than of moonlight.

"So are you excited to see my Village?" Hunk said.

Shiro put the sword back in its sheath and said, "Yes I am. I hope I can find out about the quintessence Crystal."

"I'm sure we'll figure it out, my father is some sort of an expert about this stuff," Hunk said, without even having to think about it.

"I'm sure he is...but I." Shiro said, his spine being rattled again, and felt his mindset into the light.

"If you're worried about the Galra don't worry, my father is one of the best daemon explorers of all time." Hunk said.

"He is?" Shiro questioned.

"Yeah he's the chief." Hunk said.

Just then, the sound of footsteps interrupted them. Shiro turned to see Lance and Keith approaching with Pidge, Stats, Katara and Kiaion.

Shiro nodded politely to Pidge. he knew her well because he and Keith encountered her species before, the Kitsune. She was now in her human form and was helpful

Shiro was relieved to find more friends to help him on his journey.

Later on.

"Are you sure this is the way!" Keith said, as the group traveled in a dark forest.

"Of course, I know the way back to my own home," Hunk told him.

"Shaddup! Just find them!" Keith said.

"Keith, are you going to fight them for answers?" Shiro said.

"No, of course not, I'm not stupid." Keith told him.

"Hopefully, you won't be slain first". Lance said.

"If you're worried about my people attacking half-daemons, they won't, half-daemons are the same as any type of person, no matter what kind they are." Hunk said.

"It's true, the main job is to keep the balance between humans and daemons." Pidge said.

Then suddenly, A gust of wind blows, alarming the group.

"What is it...? This ominous wind..." Pidge asked.

"I don't know, but look!" Keith said as a black smoke cloud flies across the sky above them.

Hunk and Pidge gasp at the site and started to run.

"What is this awful feeling? This is really weird!" Lance said.

"He's right... I'm starting to feel worse and worse". Shiro said.

"War is in the air! Something got attacked!" Keith shouted as he started to run after Hunk and Pidge.

After a long run, The group had arrived at the fort where the daemon explorers made their home...but upon arriving there, they knew that something wasn't right.

"A fort?" Lance asked.

"This is where the smoke came from but what happened?" Hunk asked, worriedly.

"I think I just found out your answer,'' Keith replied as he noticed the large opening in the fort walls. "There! That's how they got in!"

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