Chapter Three: Mistress centipeetle

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Later into the afternoon, where everybody was going home for the day, but all the while, Shiro arrived at the gates of the old rusty fences with Flowers in his hands before arriving here.

He stood outside, staring at a large shrine, originally, it used to be the childhood of Shiro as well as a family business but it was shut down after his grandfather died, and due to lack of people and souvenirs, despite this, Shiro was still happy growing up here.

He remembers the time that a transparent jewel glittered as it reflected the sun through the paper door.

"The quintessence Crystal?" Shiro said, back when he was around the age of 8

"That's right! With this, not only will we be protected from danger, but our business will be even more prosperous!" his grandfather replied in a serious tone while holding up some sort of charm in his hand.

"And we're selling these glass marbles?" asked Shiro in a bit of a deadpan tone.

"Are you listening, child?" asked his grandfather, causing Shiro to sigh.

He could kind of understand why his grandfather was so intent on teaching him these kinds of things. After all, Shiro's old house was a shrine called the Shirogane Shrine. According to the signboards that his grandfather had placed around the grounds, it had quite the history, apparently had quite the imagination, acclaimed for having all kinds of legends from the universe. It wasn't a major enough shrine to be included in any of the tourist guidebooks, but it was known to the locals and people would come during the summer festivals or the New Years' shrine visits. Those moments were great and treasures for Shiro, except for his grandfather's space stories.

"Now listen carefully, Shiro," said his grandfather, "''From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the universe, the quintessential Crystal was..."

"Oh boy, here he goes again..." Shiro let out a small sigh.

Back then, when Shiro tried to pay attention, he just couldn't remember. He honestly didn't care, though. He felt that the past didn't matter...As life was nature, it's always changing like the seasons as it has always been for this shrine.

Since has been forgotten, people began to spray paint over the buildings and forest life had taken over, and in the backyard was a very tall 500-year-old bristlecone known as the great Tree, surrounding the tree were small garden stones symbols that spread in a circle. There was also an old dry well in the old well house next to the shrine that had its legend. Pretty much everything at Shiro's house was legendary.

Shiro knew about the symbols meant, Earth, water, fire, air, and balance as Shiro proudly put the flowers on the ground and was about to leave, when he was suddenly tackled from the air to the ground.

"Hey, Takashi." Adam asked, then got off of him.

"Adam, what do we talk about personal space?" Shiro said.

"Sorry." Adam said. " But I know you come back here when you're feeling sad."

"Yeah," Shiro replied, mumbling.

"So, what'd Sanda say?" Adam asked.

"She...rejected my application for Kerberos, staying there I will put the crew in danger because I'm sick." Shiro exclaimed.

"Maybe it's for the best, she is right, you only put yourself at risk". Adam pointed out.

A long pause lingered between them as the remark lanced through him, puncturing the swollen boil in his chest. A sudden rage exploded inside Shiro, and it poured out from his lips.

"Why, It's for the best? It's for the best that for all their endless back-patting and praise for nothing, it's for the best that I don't ever get that I'm accomplished is for nothing except posing for recruitment brochures? It's for the best that I just wither away and die here, Is that it". Shiro protests.

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