Chapter Four: The Sealed Boy on the Tree

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As Shiro looked up, though, he gasped as he saw that she was not standing in his family's yard...but a vast forest.

Shiro takes inventory of himself at the most amazing, picture-perfect forest stretched before him even if he was still wondering that all of this was a dream.

"Adam," Shiro called.

No answer came.

"Oh, well this is just fantastic," Shiro muttered before he spotted something out of the corner of his eye: the familiar branches of the grand Tree. "Oh! The old tree! I knew I wasn't too far from home!"

He was so worried about him and his wound that he got the attack but the shrine surrounding them was gone, only the vibrant blue and pink of the leaves but not only that, the world has stretched into the light-covered sky.

He then made his way over to the tree, but when he got there, he found that there was no shrine but when he finds the tree at the clearing even more different than before, as the light shine on a mist that stood like a wall across a wide, rounded down below him a surprising scene

Shiro wondered if it was the impenetrable mist that surrounded this place.

"I wonder if?" he thought.

It seemed possible but the mist appeared to enshroud large stones - the tops of which he saw poking out of the ceiling of the mist but everything else in the forest was the only thing not covered in the haze and the rolling particles of colored lights that flashed like lightning bugs as they danced through the mist. Shiro's heart raced, he couldn't resist the pull he felt any longer. He quickly walked inside into the mist.

The mist sparkled. Swirling particles of color danced throughout it until suddenly he got into his location and to his surprise, the tree that very eerily and very old was now thriving once again in bright greens and blues and deep earthy browns like never before seen but not only that the tree's main feature, it was the ring of stones surrounding it, in those formations has symbols, and he recognized them.

"Earth, fire, water, air, and balance" He said, but not only that, Adam was still nowhere to be found and no shrine. not to mention the fact that the tree seems to be different than it used to be.

However, that wasn't what caught Shiro's attention the most. What really surprised him...was the strange black-haired figure lying against the tree, garbed in red, covered in tree roots...with an arrow piercing his chest.

"...A...boy...?" Shiro whispered as the wind blew softly.

Elsewhere, somewhere at a mountain, an unknown floating purple Central Command, lies inside, in a dark room surrounded in crystals, lies a witch, her purple and yellow cloak and carries herself in a hunched posture meditating, "ah" she moans.

Moments later, she starts walking out of her room after feeling something mysterious, once arriving at the gates of the Central Command, she is stopped by two guards

"State your business," one of the guards asked.

"I am here to see the emperor tell him, I have something important". She said

The guards look at each other before staring at her, "I understand I'll score him right now" one of the guards said as he began to leave his post to escort her.

Back in the forest, Shiro stared in wonder at the black-haired boy that was pinned to the Great Tree. The wind blew softly, gently pushing up his charcoal locks. He didn't know why, but...he felt drawn to him, somehow, like something compelled him to take a closer look at him.

"I wonder who he is..." As he was taking him in, "...Um...hello?" he asked as he slowly approached the sleeping figure. "E-excuse me?"

No answer came from the red-clad youth. Looking at him up close...he was rather handsome, and he looked so peaceful, too...deathly peaceful. His body was wrapped up in roots and the arrow in his chest seemed a bit worn with age.

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