Chapter twenty-one: Cane Crazy

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The next morning as the sun rose up from the sky, Shiro woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. He stretched his arms and yawned, feeling the warmth of the sun on his face. He got out of bed and began his morning routine, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for the day ahead.

As he walked out of his room, he saw Keith and Romelle already up and about, chatting and laughing in the kitchen. Shiro joined them, and they exchanged warm greetings.

"Good morning, Shiro!" Keith said, grinning. "Did you sleep well?"

Shiro nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I did. Thanks for asking."

Romelle handed him a cup of hot tea. "Here, Shiro. I made your favorite breakfast tea."

Shiro took a sip, feeling the soothing warmth spread through his body. "Thanks, Romelle. You're a lifesaver."

As they sat down to eat, Keith asked, "So, what's the plan for today?"

Then suddenly, they heard Coran's hollering from above. "Kids! Chow time!"

Shiro, Keith, and Romelle looked at each other and burst out laughing. "I guess that answers that question!" Keith said, chuckling.

Romelle grinned. "I think Coran has a way of making his presence known."

Shiro nodded, smiling. "Yeah, that's one way to put it."

The three friends headed upstairs to the dining hall, where Coran was already serving up a hearty breakfast. "Ah, good morning, kids! Dig in, I made your favorite breakfast dishes."

Shiro's eyes widened as he took in the spread. "Wow, Coran, you outdid yourself this time."

Keith rubbed his hands together. "Let's dig in, I'm starving!"

Romelle smiled, taking a seat. "This looks amazing, Coran. Thank you."

Coran smiled as served them bowls of yellow, slimy substance spewing out of a green core with a horrendous odor and passed them over. Keith felt uneasy while Shiro was poking their food, feeling disgusted.

"Ugh! Uh, you know what? I think I'm gonna pass." said Shiro when pushing the bowl slightly.

"Yeah..." Keith agrees as he pushes the bowl back.

"Why? Is my cooking not enough for you, princess?" Coran was giving him a stink-eye, Shiro just gave one back.

"Well, if I'm the princess, then you're the king of bad cooking." Shiro retorts.

"Ohhh!" Keith was shocked.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Romelle was stunned.

"Oh, yeah? Well, you... I...Hardy, this food may be strange to you, but it's still good. Filled with all the natural nutrition's that growing kids need." said Coran with pride as he took a piece of the goo.

"What's the matter, Hop Pop? Frog in your throat?" Shiro taunted.

"Ohhh!" Romelle shouted.

"Burn!" Keith exclaimed. "Oh, he got you again!"

"Oh, dang it! You know what? I'm gonna take a nap. I don't believe this. I feed you, I house you, and this is how you repay me?! You kids better start shaping up, or I'll kick you out!" Coran stormed off towards his room, slamming the door.

Shiro, Keith, and Romelle looked at each other, shocked by Coran's outburst.

"Well, that was fun," Keith said, breaking the silence.

Romelle giggled. "I think we got under his skin."

Shiro grinned mischievously. "Yeah, I think we did."

The samurai, An Legendary Adventure Tale Part 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora