Chapter twenty-five: Galra tax

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After Alilcea went to the afterlife, Shiro and Keith can finally continue on their endeavors by making a small detour while getting the next set of their supplies.

On this day, both Shiro and Keith were accompanying Romelle to the Grub & Go.

Romelle was excited to have a break from her maid job as Shiro and Keith agreed to help Romelle with the shopping.

As Shiro and Keith went with Romelle to the store one day.

"Pill bugs are on sale." Romelle said.

"Oh that reminds me, I'm gonna go grab some of that jerky I like, you coming, Shiro?" Keith asked.

"Count me in." Shiro answered.

"Okay, see you outside." Romelle replied.

As Keith and Shiro grabbed their supplies, walked down an aisle and found the jerky, before the last one was snatched by an Aerian boy.

"Hey, that was totally mine," Keith snapped.

"Ya snooze, ya lose, Half-loser." the Aerian boy guffaws.

"Hey, don't call him a loser." Shiro shouted.

At the same time, Keith was hit in the back of his legs. The two looked back to see that it was an old woman that rammed into his.

"Hey! Move your big behind, half-daemon. I need cookies," she said, repeatedly ramming Keith with her cart.

Keith muttered to himself as he slipped on a puddle and took Shiro down with him.

"Hey, didn't you see the sign, Loser?" A Aerian joked as they left in embarrassment.

"So did you guys get the jerky you..." Romelle stopped. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Keith sighed and latched his head on his shoulder. "Well, I've been here for over a month now, and the townsfolk still treat Keith crummy." Shiro explained. "I just wish they were a little nicer to Keith."

"Oh, that's just the way these folk are." Keith said. "Slow to accept and even slower to respect, it's actually the town motto." Keith pointed over the stone arch gate of Aurs, which had a wooden sign with the motto edged into it.

Shiro smiled. "At least everyone's not afraid of you, Keith," He said.

"How are you not bothered how they treat me," Keith asked.

"Trust me, I am. I just don't let it bother me." Shiro said. "There's always going to be people that'll say mean things because nobody understands why they're different, but we still have each other, and that's all that really matters, right?"

Keith smiled at his friend. "Thanks, Shiro. You're a really good guy," he said. That compliment warmed Shiro's heart as he smiled back at him.

Romelle said. "Now, who wants coco pancakes?"

"Oh, hell yeah!" Keith cheered.

"My favorite!" Shiro exclaimed, but then Shiro stopped grinning and looked a little disturbed. "That's totally going to mess up my diet."

On the ride home, they see a Aerian building a new statue depicting the person kissing a baby boy who was being held up by a young man.

"Well, that statue's new," Keith said.

"Stats," Stats commented.

"I'll say," Shiro added.

Romelle added "I know that mayor Alcazar had a massive ego but this is ridiculous."

Suddenly, Bessie stopped. "Whoa, hey girl, what's wrong?" Romelle asked the snail.

They turned around to see what Bessie was whining about, Galra.

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