“Now, we are going to see my boss at the CIA.”

When he told me that we were going to the CIA headquarters I jumped up with what could’ve been an impossible amount of energy and I packed because something inside just told me that I would be staying there a while. I wrote a short clipped note to Mr and Mrs Chivonsky telling them that I was going to New York to see some kid named Allison and I managed to persuade the help to take a few nights off. I didn’t bring anything with me that was provided by Adrian and within two hours I was out of that house to my future.

As far as where exactly these headquarters are I know I’m going to Washington but that is it. It was nightfall by the time we were actually on the road and the drive was slightly silent. For the majority of the time, I just watched the stars zoom by when we were on the Freeway, just waiting and contemplating what was going to happen.

Part of me was terrified of actually going there. I mean, what if they just used me the same way that Adrian and Joey used me? What if I’m just a pawn in their well illustrated game and as soon as they’re done with me I’m sent down for Conspiracy to Theft? Either way, they already know that I was planning to steal one of the rarest diamonds in not only America but the entire world. They’re not gonna be happy with me at all.

“What are you thinking about?” I hear Justin ask above the roar of the engine and I lost my sense of thought for a minute before understanding that I was in his car and being the person he is he will tend to ask questions. I turned around in my seat and hugged my knees whilst thinking of a good answer. Obviously I can’t tell him what I was really thinking about- that would be crazy. Plus I have easily let in too many people into my heart; I am not going to make the same mistake again.

That crazy sense of trust I had before had vanished and it was gonna take a while for me to learn to trust again; a very long time. Because this pain I keep feeling in my chest… it’s so heavy and present that I can’t possibly ignore it and I hate that. I despise it even and I refuse to let it worsen because of me being naïve and letting someone in too soon.

“Just making sure I left my PDA where I thought I did. Retracing my steps and all that” I mumble absentmindedly, finding great interest in my nails all of a sudden. It was easier to lie than to tell him what I was really thinking; besides it’s what I’ve been taught these past few weeks. It takes only three weeks to develop a habit; I guess lying is just second nature and I hate myself for that.

“Yeah you left it in your wardrobe didn’t you?” he asked clueless as ever.


“Are you worried about the CIA?” he asked me, keeping his eyes on the road. “Because they completely understand your situation you know.”

“It was the last thing on my mind actually” I lied easily, leaning back in the plump leather chair into a more comfortable position. He didn’t need to concern himself with me and my problems. The less he knows, the better the situation in my eyes.

“Well if you wanna sleep or anything go ahead; this is gonna be a long drive and the nearest hotel isn’t for another 40 miles” he said whilst sipping one of his tepid coffees.

“I was just waiting for you to say that” I clipped out monotonously, moving my body away from him defensively. “Sleep is what I need.”

Initially I was only closing my eyes for show but pretty soon they closed for real as my head was filled with a bunch of questions that I simply couldn’t answer. Like what was gonna happen to me when this was all over? I can’t just go back to my normal life; it will never be normal again. These scars I hold are so much more than skin deep; it’s etched into my soul, inerasable and eternal. Any and everything I do from now on will ultimately be affected by this sole turn of events.

Then there was Joey.

I don’t even want to waste my breath on him at the minute. I know I’m just gonna have to talk about nothing but him as soon as we reach CIA headquarters; if I can get just twenty-four hours of not even having to think his name I will be forever grateful. 

“I know you’re not sleeping Hannah.”

“Don’t call me Hannah” I burst out before whipping my head round to meet his confused gaze. Seeing the puzzlement in his eyes caused me to take a look at what I had said. Why had I said that? The one person who has actually called me by my real name and not some dumb alias and I tell him not to call me by that name?

“Why not?” Justin asked, simply perplexed at the thought, which would quite frankly make both of us. Turning away from his gaze I thought long and hard about why it was that the thought of being called Hannah disturbed me probably more than being called Megan. For months I have waited for this yet… I no longer want it. But then I realised why and after I did it made complete sense.

It’s because I am no longer Hannah Moriati.

Hannah Moriati is the imposter living with my parents back in England who loves to act and has a bunch of money to pursue whatever she wants. Megan Chivonsky is a spoilt brat who drinks and gets up to all sorts because of her neglecting parents. I am neither of those people anymore, maybe once upon a time but now… I’m a changed person.

“Because I’m not Hannah anymore. I’m not Megan either I’m just a person who can take on anyone’s identity” I say slowly, tears coming to my eyes as I said so. It was lucky it was dark or else Justin would’ve seen everything.

“You don’t mean it-“

“Of course I mean it! Who am I? Why I am still dressed in Megan’s clothes do you wonder? Why do I have her hair? Why do I have Hannah’s countless memories of her parents? I am neither of them! I have no identity Justin, I’ve just been passed around like a little doll and I hate it!” I cry, growing smaller and smaller with every word that poured out of my mouth.

“I knew something was wrong with you” Justin said as he turned off the Freeway. “You were just so distant it was awkward.”

“Well I’m glad you’re right Justin, I’m just bloody ecstatic for you!” I say angrily, scowling into the distance. “Why are you turning off the Freeway here you said the nearest hotel wasn’t for another 40 miles.”

“We’re going to take our private jet to Washington instead. You can’t stay in this confined space for any longer; the sooner we get to HQ, the better it is for you. You need to speak to someone other than me.”

By now I had given up; everyone just wants to tell me what I need and what I have to do. There is no more fight left within me to even try and go against what he was saying. So I ignored it. Whatever I don’t confront won’t be a problem and God knows I have enough of those already.

“Joey won’t get away with this you know. Not him or Adrian” Justin said reassuringly, turning down a deserted road. He parked up and opened the car door, a blast of cold air stirring me from my slight mental paralysis.

“I wasn’t exactly planning on them getting off scot free now was I?” I mumbled under my breath, yanking my door open and pulling out my rucksack with as many belongings I could fit in there. “After all a woman scorned is a woman not to be messed with.”

“Meaning?” he asked watching the small helicopter being its descent towards us. Wind blew leaves and dirt all over the place and I could see it getting all mixed up with my thick brown locks, making it look as if I had lice or something.

“Meaning that I was the wrong person for them to mess with” I say, striding towards the landed helicopter as my mind already began to work its mischief. Nuts and bolts turned in my mind and about a million devious plans where written and put down somewhere safe that only I now knew about. Because when I get my clutches into those criminals they’re gonna regret the day they took me from the alleyway and took me away from my home and loving parents. They’ll wish they never set eyes on me.

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