Chapter Forty Nine

Start from the beginning

I simply repeat the sentence to her, waiting for her to respond.

"I don't know ! I couldn't see him well !" She said, starting to panic a bit more.

"Alright..." I took a breath and took my computer with me. "Stay here Jessy. I'm going to go look."

"Wait Jude, you don't know who it is !" I heard Jake said, while Jessy also tried to stop me by taking my wrist.

"I'll be fine. I won't open the door if that's what you're afraid of. Stay here, i'll come back Jessy." I nodded to her, walking out of my room and down the stairs.

My heart was beating faster than before. I may look confident but i was still a bit scared. Duskwood is not a big town, basically everyone knows everyone.

"Be careful Jude. Don't let him see you." Jake said. I couldn't really look at him because i wasn't orienting the screen right. But knowing that he was still here, somehow, made me a bit more safe, if i can say that.

"I know." We both knew who we suspected. We just hoped that it wouldn't be Jake's pursuers.

I gulped and walked to the door, putting my computer on the small table in the entrance. That way Jake could see me going to the door. I lightly pressed against the small circle that was covering the peephole, pushing it to the side.

Once i did that, i could see a guy. He was tall, probably the same height as Dan. He was wearing a bomber jacket with some sort of logo on it but i couldn't see it well. And his head was covered by a hat. Most importantly, he didn't seem to want to leave. Suddenly, he knocked on the door, startling me. I took a step back and took my computer again.

"What did he looked like Jude ?" Jake asked again.

"I... didn't see much." I whispered. "He's tall, his head is covered my a hat and he's wearing a bomber with a logo on it ? I don't know i can't really see the details. I think it's some kind of bi..rd..." Damn.

"Judith." I looked back at him. We both understood who it was.

"I know. I can't see for sure, but it could be an eagle. That's the German's logo for the government." I said, still whispering. I was in the kitchen, if i talked more, he could possibly hear me.

"Yes." He sounded scared. Or anxious. Maybe both. I was too.

"Should i open the door ?"

"No !"

I turn to look at Jessy who had come downstairs. She was holding my pillow to her chest. And looked terrified. I couldn't blame her.

"He won't leave and he will come back if i don't do something." I said, looking at Jessy and then at Jake. He wasn't talking anymore.

"You could try and contact Alan." Jake finally said.

I shook my head. "He's not responding our texts, he won't accept my call. They probably took his phone or i don't know." I said, disconnecting my earphones so Jessy would hear Jake too. "I'll go open the door. If something goes wrong i'll slam the door in no time."

"You can't do that Judith ! What if they trapped you ?" Jessy said, walking to the front of my computer, Jake could probably see her now.

"I'll be okay. They don't have anything against me. And i'm friend with a cop. I'll be fine." I hope.

"Jude. Please be careful. At any time, close the door and lock it. If something happen... I'll come get you and Jessy." Jake said, starting to type on his computer again.

"You can't come here." I said to him. "Not until i have the final word with what's going on here."

I had only finished my sentence that a knock was heard once again. With one last glance at Jake and Jessy, i breathed and walked slowly to the door.

Looking at the peephole again, i could still see the same guy as before. I took a breath and turned the key to unlock the door. I opened it a few centimeters, not more.

"What do you want ?" I asked, my voice shaking a bit. "Why are you here ?"

"Miss Judith Anna Tolis ?" He said and his voice was much deeper than i thought it would be.

I wasn't surprised that he knew my full name. "Yeah. I asked you a question, what do you want ?" I said, opening a bit more the door.

"Would it be possible for you to open the door further and step outside ?"

"Maybe it would be possible if i knew why you're here."

"I am here on the behalf of my superior, Marc Levoy. It was reported to us that you had a few information on a matter happening inside a ring of traitors in the government department."

What ?

"Who sent you ? Who gave you my name ?" I asked, opening again a bit more the door.

"Alan Bloomgate, police chief or the Duskwood's station came two hours and a half ago, explaining how a group of fraudsters had been running some illegals matter under our eyes."

"And what makes you think i know more ?" I said, leaning on the door frame. I didn't know more. I didn't even know the specifics of the videos and pictures.

"You don't." What ? Why is he here then ? "Chief Bloomgate told us that you wanted to make a deal with us. The matter is being taken care and i was tasked to bring you there."

What ?

"Me ?"

"Yes, you, Miss Tolis. I suppose you will be coming alone ?"

I nod my head. If i was going, i won't be going there with Jake. Not until i have the assurance that they won't try anything with him.

"I'll come. Let me grab a few things and talk to my roommate." And Jake by the same chance.

He nodded and turned around to go inside a car that i hadn't seen until now. There was no one else inside the car. I looked at him until he got inside and tuned around to go in the apartment.

What the fuck had happened ?

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