Chapter - 128

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Recap: Meera meet Varushini and offers to pay 100 crore to leave Goutham forever


Jealousy is an inner consciousness of one's own inferiority. It is a mental cancer. Once the seed of revenge for jealousy is sowed in a heart then it grows into a wide tree of not only jealousy but also hatred. This hate blind the person to the core where they fail to realize that in the mean process of revenge they are destroying themselves and will be left with nothing. There is no cure for such jealousy. 

Goutham was blinded with jealousy for Yash which was sowed since his childhood. He failed to notice the vast oppurtunities that was avail infront of him from his father. He failed to cherish the love his parents were showering him with abundance of love when Yash was left with only yearning for love all his life. Gouthan was blinded to see the pain Yash was going through when he struggled to set his business rather he was focused on making his every attempt failure. He wanted to take everything away from Yash that he failed to find a love for him rather than cheating on the girl Yash had feelings and going behind girls for sex. Years of jealous turned into hatred that he became obsessed to do anything that would hurt Yash.

Varushini had always a beautiful and happy life until her mind was corrupted with greediness. She wanted money rather than love which made her cheat Yash with Goutham when she knew Yash was denied to be the heir of the business of Abhimanyu. Her mind was filled with only one word money which made her to get Yash back by hook or crook which made her lose Goutham too. All her cheap thoughts got her nothing but shame and loss. She was insulted everytime by the men she was behind. Now she had only one thought revenge. She is determined to do that by any means. 

Now she finally decided to play the game with Goutham to get her revenge. 

Once Meera left, Varushini was in deep thoughts on her offer. She called someone and informed about Meera's offer. After a long conversation she accepted the plan of setting Goutham to act to their next step of plan. And according to that plan she ignored Goutham's call. He was trying her for a long time but finally he left office to his apartment to meet Varushini. He saw her sitting in the balcony with a sullen face.

Gou: Why did you not answer my calls ?

Var: Why should I ?

Gou: Now, stop this attitude and tell me what happened. I m already pissed off.

Var: your mother was here to meet me. 

Gou: Why would she come here ?

Var: She was here to threaten me to leave you. I saw a new side of your mother. Believe me I was scared. She threatened to kill our child.

Gou: What ? My mother won't do such thing.

Var: Fine, you don't believe me then stop asking me.

Gou: What did she say ?

Var: She wanted me to leave you forever or she would kill me and our child with help of Yash. She wanted Vinitha and her daughter to be your family. If I refuse she threatened that she will throw you out of family leaving you with nothing.

Goutham hit his fist on the wall in anger.

Gou: I would decide who will be my family. Nobody holds any right on me. If she is ready to disown me then I will not think twice to take what is mine by hook or crook.

Var: What should I do . Leave you to save my life and our child ?

Gou: Leave this to me. I will take care.

Var: What if Yash comes here when you are not around and try to kill me or our child ? How long can I save myself alone. You just visit for few hours a day and some days not even that. How can I be happy when there is danger anytime around me. Remember how Tiwari was killed. 

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