Memories And Resentment..

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Before going she tried reaching Parvez and luckily he picked.. He told her that he was Goa doing an event..

he had to travel to Goa for hosting an marriage anniversary... It was supposed to happen in Mumbai but 2 days back the person had changed it to Goa..this morning he had reached and he was supposed to finish it and come back by night... He had to push the rehearsal for the dance show to next day, since all he needed was to coordinate and practice for the finale performance..

She took a sigh of relief when she heard this but a part of her was damn irritated because she was not told... He hadn't given that much thought thinking that anyway he'll be catching the 8 :10 flight to come back.. She leaned in her seat and took few minutes to reassure herself that everything was fine...

She hadn't seen him since last 3 days and after this she wanted to just get a glimpse of him.. At the same time it irked her that he had taken off to Goa without informing where as if she had been the one to go like this he would throw a fit for sure..

She deleted the messages while her hands were still a bit shaky... The messages were "are you okay" "sunny" "why you've turned off the net" "can you answer".. He would never get them..

The fire on the set news was out and 2 people from the crew member were hurt but luckily they were able to bring the situation under control... She saw it on Instagram..

Omi called her back after seeing messages from Parvez.. It was around 7:30..

Omi : oye.. We're coming back today only

She was silent for some seconds..

T : okay..

Omi : it was decided just yesterday... Might have slipped out of his mind..

Omi tried to make excuses...

T : hm.

She disconnected the call.. The last line didn't made her feel better. She watched out of her window to see how the sunset was about to approach.. She leaned on the steering.. It automatically came to her mind whether he had just avoided her because he found her nagging too much or he just didn't feel it was important to ping her atleast ... The only thing that remained with in her  was the resentment and anger as a result of his negligence.

She rechecked if she had deleted all the WhatsApp messages that she had sent in panic... Got out of the car and went back..

Around 7 when he got out he got to know.. He had checked his phone in between few times but didn't had signal... The other phone was left in the hotel room.. He called someone from the set to ask regarding the fire in the shoot location and whole boarding on flight he called her but she didn't receive...

Around 9: 30 she was on set desperately wishing the last shot to be over but sadly it looked as if it would take more than 45 minutes..

Vikas had walked upto the set and discussed something with the director from last 30 minutes.. She went ahead trying to tell them to hurry up..

T : just discuss this over call... Or tomorrow..

She complained... Her costar, male lead laughed...

Vg : 5 minutes meri Maa..

At the exact time he walked onto her set... She was leaning on her costar.. Her back was towards his front. Somebody tapped on her shoulder... Instead of turning around she asked the person in front of her..

T : who is it...

The woman in front of her smiled.. 

T : you better not be calling unless it's about food...

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