Durden stood tall silently, his staff groaning in his grasp as he choked back tears, "Why did it have to be you, Arthur," I felt the pain in his words as, Tears started forcing themselves from my eyes once again.

Helen's bow shattered in her grip as she fell to her knees. "First Adam and now you guys... I'm sick of this god-forsaken war," her hand covering her eyes as she shivered with each breath. "Al treated you like a brother Arthur, I saw you as a son the same as him."

"It's time to go now. The Alacryans are coming and you are in no condition to fight, All of you," Maeve said softly, placing a hand on my shoulder, her features blurred from the tears in my eyes.

"Just give us a while longer..."My voice trailed off as I Stared aimlessly at Auntie Alice's shattered phoenix wyrm pendant. The reality of their deaths sinking deeper and deeper like a nail through my heart.

"Alright." She replied, walking towards the shattered wall, her voice fading away with each step as she barked out orders to the other Frostborns that raced here. Setting up a defensive line with the help of every able-bodied person present.

"I never got to tell them about the twins." Claire's voice cracked as she choked out the words. whipping a tear from her eye she stood up gesturing for me to do the same.

"Let's go, Ellie," she stood up shakily, tripping over her feet and collapsing onto boo. The bear groaned at her softly to which she nodded hauling herself onto his back sheathing Dawn's ballad and holding it tightly.

In a flash of white, I shifted into my true form Claire flying up and sitting on top of my draconic head as I hoisted boon and Ellie on top of my head as well. I scooped up Reynolds and Alice placing them softly in a container of ice Along with Sylvies wings and Arthurs's hand.

Holding the large sphere in my mouth gently I lifted it into the sky with a flap of my wings. Soon the ground was blurring beneath us before we glided above the clouds. Fire and wind mana spilled from Claire keeping her and Ellie warm as we sped through the skies.

We flew in silence for over an hour before we saw the castle in the distance once I slowed near the hanger entrance. The guards flew out on their mana beasts hovering around me, wondering where Alexander was.

"Open the door and get the commander." Claire's voice was more demanding than requested.

"I'm sorry general but you can't just enter unannounced."

"Open it or we'll make an entrance ourselves." Claire snapped, with golden fire billowing out of her as I prepared to tear the door open. Soon the door opened slowly with frightened yelps and shouts of alarms as they saw me snake my head inside.

Placing the shell of ice down, I gently floated Ellie and Boo down with wind magic before reverting to my human form. I watched as Virion rushed through the gates looking at us.

His eyes snapped to our own, then Dawn's Ballad in Ellie's hands, then two the shell of ice. "Not you too, Arthur." his fist slammed into the wall spreading a network of cracks through it.

"Everyone out," His hushed voice silenced the room, freezing everyone in place, their eyes holding confusion and doubt. "That's a direct order, Get the hell out." Virions' voices echoed loudly as they all shuffled out one by one.

"I've cheated death too many times to count. I thought he'd be the first to outlive me" He slumped down against a wall leaning his head on his folded hands. He showed no signs of any emotions other than the tears hitting the ground.

Melting the ice revealed Alice and Reynolds lying on Sylvie's wings nestled around them. "Virion, Ellie just lost everyone. She's the last leywin... Can you please keep her safe here till Alexander comes back?"

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