Chapter 19

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Dinner went perfect in Rebecca's eyes. They walked down the streets of Dublin to the restaurant, then they enjoyed a delicious meal. She also enjoyed the conversations she had with Colby, who had her smiling the whole time.

Once they were done the duo walked down the streets of Dublin again until they found a lake. Rebecca, of course, dragged him over to the grass where they sat and watched the sunset. Sometime in between all of that, Colby had wrapped his arms around her, and Rebecca leaned back into his touch. They stayed like that for almost an hour. Talking, touching, and watching the sunset. It. Was. Perfect.

       .          .          .         .            .            .           .           .

Two days had went by and Rebecca and Colby were supposed to meet up at Katie and Richies house for a pool party. Katie had messaged Rebecca around 12 yesterday and asked if she and Colby would come, and of course Rebecca said yes.

Rebecca loved pool party's, but this time she was not too happy about going. This time she had Colby going with her, and she was nervous about him seeing her in a bikini. She had been flipping through her drawers all morning, trying to figure out which one would cover most of her body.

She picked out a black one and stood in front of the mirror to see how it looked on her. Colby came into her bedroom with two towels in his hands. Rebecca rushed over to her bed and put a oversized t-shirt on before he could see her. "Uhm- Hi." She said pulling the shirt down even further as he walked in front of her.

"Hey." Colby said chuckling as he placed the towels on her bed. "I already packed mine and I thought you may want some, so I brought you these."

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah! Thank you."

Colby smiled. "Anytime." He then looked at her bare legs in awe, making her rock on her heels. "Did you finally find a bathing suit?" Rebecca looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, and when he noticed he continued. "I heard you mumbling something about not having an appropriate bikini when you was scrambling down the hall."

Rebecca pressed her lips together and shut her eyes. "I was just...nervous." She said quickly. "I found one so that's all that matters."

Colby chuckled at her quick response. "Becks...are you ok?"

Rebecca shook her head. "I'm fine, why?"

Colby nodded. "Nothing..."

Rebecca then nodded as they stared into each other's eyes. Rebecca moved away first, and when she did Colby walked to the door and opened it. "If you need anything holler at me. I'll be downstairs."

Rebecca nodded slowly and watched as he left the room. She then sighed and started packing her things for the party, trying to forget their awkward conversation.

About an hour later they made it to Katie and Richies house. Colby looked up shocked at the big house before looking down at Rebecca, who stood beside of him looking at the house the same way. "This is your brother's house?"

Rebecca shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows. "I guess..." She paused. "I don't even know how he could afford this. My dad didn't get paid much, so I know Richie don't get paid much. And Katie is a hair stylist...she don't make this much money either."

Colby shook his head and chuckled. "It's pretty."

Rebecca nodded and turned around to grab their bags. "Yeah."

Colby then grabbed her hands pulling the bag away. "What are you doing?"

Colby shook his head as he locked the car. "I'm the boyfriend. I'm supposed to carry your things remember?"

Rebecca smiled and nodded as they walked up the driveway. They heard the music blasting from the backyard, and when Rebecca looked to her right she saw the back gate open. "Sounds like we're the last ones here."

Colby chuckled as they started walking towards the backyard. When they saw her family come into view, they realized that Rebecca was right. They were the last ones there. They heard music blasting, and Katie and the other bridesmaids were talking in the corner of the pool, while Richie and the groomsmen jumped in, splashing water all over the place.

When Rebecca looked up at Colby she saw a big grin spread out on his face. "What's going on inside that head of yours?"

Colby looked down at her and shook his head. "Just excited to have some fun." He said patting her back.

The two walked up to the big patio where everyone waved and said hello. Katie told Rebecca to get in so they could have some girl time, but Rebecca was nervous about Colby seeing her in her bikini. She hesitated and started searching through their bag for anything she could find to make herself seem busy.

Colby sat down beside of her and rubbed her back. "Becks, do you care if I jump in the pool?"

Rebecca laughed at his words and turned around to face him. He smiled and rested his hands by her waist, making her breath hitch again. "Yes Colby. You can jump in the pool love."

Colby nodded and kissed her forehead before standing up and removing his shirt. He walked up to the pool and then jumped in, making Rebecca laugh.

Katie then came over to her smiling. "I'm so glad you two came! Come over here and hang out with us Becks!"

Rebecca looked over at the men and then looked over at the women. If I get in the pool quickly he won't be able to see me. Rebecca then smiled and looked up at Katie. "Yeah of course!"

Katie walked back over to the pool and started talking to her friends while Rebecca started taking off her shirt. She tried to make it quick but as soon as she took it off Colby's eyes were on her.

As she was walking towards the pool she quickly glanced over at him, and when she saw his dreamy eyes and his adorable little smile, she blushed. The duo then kept staring at each other and when Rebecca finally got into the water, Colby gave her a wink before resting against the side of the pool to admire her.

The Two of Us[Brollins]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon