Chapter 9

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Rebecca's apartment was a war zone. The clothing explosion was totally under control. She looked at herself in the mirror as she adjusted her long navy dress that she swore would be the last outfit she tried on, but then she took it off and through it somewhere in her apartment.

She then grabbed the last dress that she had. She put in on and went to the mirror for the 8th time. She smiled, looking at the long, black, perfect dress she had on. Rebecca smiled and grabbed her black high heels putting them on.

Rebecca check the time and seen it was 6:30. Great. She had 20 minutes to do her hair and makeup. She really had 30, but didn't want to keep Colby waiting. She hurried into her bathroom and applied her makeup, and at 6:45 she started on her hair. Thankfully she had taken a shower earlier, so her hair was pre fixed. She redone a few of her curls though before smiling at herself.

She hardly ever dressed up, because she never got asked to go anywhere formal, and right now she felt  prettier than she has ever felt before. Rebecca grabbed her phone and took a quick picture sending it to Ashley.

Ashley responded with heart eye emojis before typing something else. Rebecca laughed when she read her response. "I didn't know Ms. Quin could get any hotter but dang😏".

Rebecca smiled and sat her phone aside. She walked back into her bedroom and tried to clean up her mess. But after a while she got tired and shoved it all in her closet. She heard a car horn blow and she knew Colby had just pulled in.

She grabbed her phone and her purse—taking a last glance in the mirror—and went outside. She saw Colby standing next to the passenger door waiting for her. When he saw her he smiled. "You look...stunning."

Rebecca smiled as she got closer to him. "Thank you." Colby almost always wore a suit and tie to work but she has never seen him this cleaned up. "You look great!"

Colby chuckled and opened the door for her. "Thanks Rebecca." After she got in he closed the door and got in himself before he drove off. "Have you ever been to a banquet before?"

Rebecca looked over at him and shook her head. "No...I only have one friend...and Ashley has never been to one, so neither have I."

Colby looked over at her and furrowed his eyebrows. "You have more than one friend." When Rebecca laughed he cut her off. "I'm your friend. So you have two friends."

Rebecca shook her head smiling. "Well I only have two friends and you are the first person to invite me to something like this..."

Colby looked straight ahead and put on a small smile. "There will be food there so i hope you're hungry."

Rebecca's eyebrows raised as she did a little happy dance in the seat. Colby laughed as he kept driving and almost 30 minutes later they made it to the banquet.

They pulled in and parked then got out. Colby got out and took her hand—making Rebecca's breath hitch—before walking into the glamorous building. Rebecca had never been to one, so she didn't know what to expect, but she never expected it to be this fancy. She now knew why Colby told her to dress formal, because everywhere she looked she saw men in tuxes and women in gowns. Colby squeezed her hand when he saw her looking at some women, "You look amazing Becks...don't be comparing yourself to others."

Rebecca looked up at him and smiled. She wasn't comparing herself, she was just simply taking it all in. The music was blasting, people were dancing and laughing, and there was food. So much food. As they kept walking through the building Rebecca didn't think she would see a room with food not in it. She wasn't complaining though. She was hungry, and thankfully she hadn't eaten anything.

Colby stopped at a table and when Rebecca looked at the men huddled up, she realized they weren't any of Colby's friends. They were apart of California's engineering authority. "Mr. Lopez!" One of them said standing up. "It's great to finally meet you." The man said extending his hand out. "Who is this beautiful soul?" He asked smiling at Rebecca.

Colby smiled and shook his hand. "This is my girlfriend, Rebecca Quin."

The man, Simon, smiled and shook her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir." Rebecca said smiling.

Colby wrapped his arm around her waist—making her breath hitch once again—and continued talking to the men. Rebecca didn't listen to what they were talking about though, instead she looked around at her surroundings. It reminded her of a princess ball room. "Miss Quin?" Rebecca looked at Simon who was calling her name. "What department do you work in?"

Rebecca shook her head. "I work in the same one Colby does." When Colby gave her a look to shut up she started stammering. "Uhm- we just plan- we plan meetings with other people- like you for example- and we work on engineering plans and..."

Simon chuckled and furrowed his eyebrows. Colby cleared his throat and squeezed her closer to him. Simon laughed, "Sounds interesting..." He paused a second. "Well it was nice talking to you. Nice meeting you two."

Colby nodded goodbye and turned himself and Rebecca around. They started walking to a empty table. "Did I say something wrong back there? I didn't-"

Colby sighed. "No it wasn't you...Simon is just, judgy. He's a client of mine and he always compares his business to other businesses."

Rebecca nodded as he pulled out a chair for her to sit in. "Oh. Thank you." Colby nodded and sat down beside of her. Rebecca smiled and started looking around, getting lost in her surroundings once again.

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