Chapter 2

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Rebecca had thought about Colby's words for the whole weekend. He was the only man—probably would be the only man—to offer to go.

Rebecca's mom had called a few months ago asking if she was coming to her brothers wedding. Rebecca of course was wanting to go, but she knew she would get made fun of—not really made fun of, but talked about—by her family and friends. So Rebecca did the first thing that came to her mind...lie. She told her mom she was bringing her new boyfriend, and she didn't expect for her to believe her...but she did, which made Rebecca panic. She knew it was hard to believe she would have a boyfriend, because after all, Rebecca thinks she's a difficult person to be around.

After she told her mother, her mother told her brother, and then her brother told his fiancée, and then it was spread around to the whole family by her mother AND brother. So Rebecca knew she had to bring her "boyfriend" to make it believable.

"What if you brought me?" Ashley asked as they walked to work that Monday morning.

Rebecca laughed and shook her head. "Yeah my ma would kill me if she thought I was lesbian. Irish mommy ya know?"

Ashley nodded and stuffed her hands in her pockets as they stopped at a crosswalk. "Have you thought about what Colby said?"

Yes. In fact I've not stopped thinking about him. The most arrogant...handsomest man I've ever met. "Yeah." They crossed the street before Rebecca spoke again. "I just don't know what to do ya know? He seems like he actually wants to go, but everyone I know says he's a douche. I don't know if I can trust him enough to take him to meet my family."

Ashley nodded and sighed. "Well...the wedding is in 3 weeks. Which means you have at least a week and a half to find a fake boyfriend."

Rebecca shrugged. "Maybe I'll just call ma and tell her me and my "boyfriend" broke up."

"Then you will get embarrassed when your family talks about how you are the only single lady in the family." Ashley said smiling down at her. "Just go with Colby Becks. He's the only man who has offered to go. Hell this may be the best thing to ever happen." When Rebecca looked at her like she had four heads she laughed. "What? All I'm saying is, the more you two hang out, the more your feelings might grow and you two might decide to date. You could get a real boyfriend out of this. He may be your soulmate."

Rebecca looked over and watched the cars drive by. "I doubt it. Everyone thinks I'm a fool."

Ashley bumped her shoulder into her. "Hush woman. You're amazing." She wrapped her arm around Rebecca's shoulder as they walked into work.

Ashley and Rebecca walked into the building and went their separate ways. Rebecca worked up on the tenth floor, where they have mostly team meetings to discuss their engineering plans. Ashley works on the first floor as a secretary, and schedules the interviews they have with other companies.

Rebecca smiled and waved at the front desk workers as she walked up the stairs. When she got to the second floor she went to an elevator, and to her surprise, when the doors opened she was met by the one and only. "Hey Rebecca."

Rebecca smiled awkwardly at Colby as she got in the elevator standing beside of him. "Hey." She pushed the button of the floor she was going to, only to realize her and Colby worked on the same one. "How was your weekend?" She didn't want to be rude and not speak to him, but she also didn't want to talk about the wedding.

Colby didn't seem to mind the small talk though. He smiled and nodded, "It was good. I played some basketball with Jon and Joe." Jonathan Good and Joe Anoai also worked with the three. They worked—with luck not on her side—on the same floor as Rebecca and Colby. The three men had been best friends since high school, and now of course they worked together. "How was your and Ashley's girl day?"

Rebecca looked up at him and rocked on her heels. "Pretty good. We went shopping, then we ate, then shopped some more, and then we went home." Colby pressed his lips together and nodded. When the elevator dinged they both headed to walk out first. Colby stepped back though smiling while holding his hand in front of the doors. "Thank you."

Colby nodded as they both walked off of the elevator and towards their meeting. "So, how's Jonathan and Joe doing?"

Colby looked down at her. "They're good. Joe's of course balancing father life and work life, and Jon is, ya know, Jon."

When they reached the conference room he held the door open for her before they stepped in. "You're late Lopez." Rebecca heard Joe yell as he sat at a long table with other workers. She stood beside of Colby and watched the two joke around before Jonathan came in and started talking to them.

She felt awkward standing there so Rebecca sat down at the far end of the table by herself and watched as Colby and Joe did a hand shake. When their boss came into the room he cleared his throat making Jon, Joe, and Colby sit down. She chuckled to herself hoping that they got the same treatment she always got—embarrassment. When Brad, the boss, did nothing to them, she rolled her eyes at the fact them three would never get in matter what they did. She also realized she was the only female in the meeting today—which made her feel really self conscious.

But she put her thoughts on the sideline and tried not to nervous, so she ignored the men surrounding her.  Brad went up to the front and turned on the smart board pulling up everyone's presentations. She pulled out her planner and her notes that she made, and got ready for their team meeting.

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