Chapter 34

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Colby smirked as he heard Rebecca's words, and his lips were immediately back on hers. Now that her dress was off he started working on her panties, trying to slide them off of her.

While he did that, Rebecca worked on his pants and at the same time, they finally got them off of one another. Colby kissed her hard before lowering down over top of her. He then slowly entered her, never breaking the kiss. Rebecca let a moan escape and Colby smiled with pleasure before pressing harder.

The duo spent the night in bliss, and Rebecca woke up tangled in the bed sheets happier than ever. Although she had a massive headache from the hangover, she didn't want to leave Colby's embrace. Ever. He had his arms wrapped around her, keeping his front pressed to her back, and was sleeping peacefully.

The two was leaving in a few hours, although neither one of them wanted to, and would be heading back home. Since it's early in the morning in Ireland, it meant once they got home it would be Saturday night, which gave them less time to relax.

Colby would be going home and Rebecca would be going to hers, before they would meet for coffee Monday morning before work. Although they're not fake dating anymore, they still wanted to hangout at the coffee shop, so that's exactly what they were going to do.

Rebecca felt Colby's arms tighten around her, before she felt his lips on her neck. Rebecca smiled and turned around to face him. "Good morning."

Colby smiled sheepishly and kissed her cheek. "Morning..."

Rebecca rubbed a hand through his muzzled hair and sat up. "I'm going to take a shower ok and then I'll start packing."

Colby nodded and kissed her hand, watching her get out of the bed. "Do we have any ibuprofen?"

Rebecca laughed and pointed towards the night stand. "Yeah. I figured it would be better to have it set out all ready."

Colby smirked at her and scooted up to grab the container. Rebecca shook her head and went into the bathroom to take her shower.

. . . . . . . .

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Annette asked. Rebecca and Colby stopped by at Annette's house to let her say goodbye to her mom before they boarded the plane back to America.

Rebecca pulled her mom in for a hug. "I wish you could come with me." Annette laughed and squeezed her daughter. "I'll message you as soon as I get home ok? I love you ma."

"I love you more sweetheart." Annette stepped back and pulled Colby in for a hug. "It was a pleasure to meet you Colby. I'm so glad you came."

Colby smiled as he stepped back. "Thank you Annette. I can't wait to come back."

Rebecca smiled and turned back so her and Colby could walk to the car. She waved at her mom once she was in the car, then they headed to the airport. It was a little bittersweet for Rebecca once they drove off. Of course she was bummed about not being around family, but she didn't have to be around Bryan anymore which was a plus.

As soon as they got settled on the flight, the first thing Rebecca did was ask for a piece of the chocolate cake that she loved last time. "Is is really that good?"

Rebecca nodded and handed Colby her fork. "Yes. Try a bite."

Colby took a bite and nodded. "It's good."

Rebecca shut her eyes and smiled. "What did I tell you..."

Colby shook his head and wrapped his arm around Rebecca as they took off.

When their flight landed they went to grab their bags before meeting up at the lobby of the airport. They both drove their separate vehicles there, so they would be going their separate ways until Monday. "Thank you, Colby, for going with me..." He looked at her with dreamy eyes. "I really enjoyed you're company."

He smiled and reached down to capture her lips. "I enjoyed being there." He paused for a second before continuing. "I know this is going to sound cliche, but I think me going on this trip with you, was what I needed to prove you're worth spending the rest of my life with."

Rebecca smiled and leaned up to kiss him again. "I was thinking the same thing." They laughed and hugged each other for a few seconds. "You be careful going home ok? And text me as soon as you do."

Colby nodded and gave her a gentle squeeze before kissing her once again. "Same for you. I'll see you Monday."

Rebecca nodded and grabbed her suitcase. She started walking towards the parking lot before glancing back at Colby. He smiled at her and then walked the opposite direction.

Even though the duo started out hating each other, this trip had showed both of them the good parts of themselves, and they fell in love more and more each day.

Rebecca smiled to herself thinking back on the memories she had just made, not only with her family, but with Colby. And she couldn't wait to make more.

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