Chapter 39

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Now that Colby was the manager, Rebecca felt like half of the world had been lifted off of her shoulders. He didn't give her tons of assignments to have done in a week span, he didn't force her to do things she didn't feel comfortable enough to do, and most importantly, she felt like she was able to work more, by working under less stress from Brad.

Used to, she had loads of work piled up on her and nobody to help, but now Colby had Jon and Joseph helping her when she needed it, which wasn't that often since Colby made Tom do all of the work she used to do.

The two have worked really well at their new tasks, and about a month ago decided to come clean to Brad to tell them they were dating. Colby told him he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, so why lie to him? Brad understand and told them it was fine since they worked so well together, which put them both at ease.

Also, two months after  things started settling in at work, Colby and Rebecca decided to move in with one another. Rebecca previously had an apartment, so she moved everything she had in it to Colby's house. At first she was a little scared about living with someone else, but after a few days she felt happier—and safer—living with him rather than living alone.

It's been six months since Colby began his job as manager , and now he was walking down a boat dock holding Rebecca's hand. The two were out on there eighth month anniversary, and they were going on a romantic boat ride right outside the coast of New York.

"I thought you weren't a romantic guy." Rebecca said as they rowed their boat along the water.

Colby shook his head. "I didn't think I was either until I met you Quin."

Rebecca smiled and looked around her. "I wish I brought my phone with us. The sunset is so pretty tonight."

Colby looked over the trees and nodded. "Yeah it's beautiful. I'm just glad it's not raining like it has been."

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah me too. I've got soaked at least 4 times this week."

Colby laughed as he rowed the boat towards another direction. "I made Tom write a 16 page statement about his job this weekend." Rebecca's mouth dropped as she started laughing. "You want to know what I did after I read it? I laughed. Just like he laughed at yours."

Rebecca took a deep breath to stop laughing. "Lopez! That was mean." Colby then shook his head and laughed along with her. "He kind of deserves it though."

Colby nodded. "Yeah. He deserves a lot more of it, but I'm not that big of a douche."

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows which made Colby furrow his too. "What does that look mean?"

Rebecca shrugged. "I don't know...there's a lot of people who thought you were a big douche bag before they got to know you." Rebecca pressed her lips together and smiled at him. "I was one of them."

Colby placed a hand on his chest. "Rebecca Quin. How dare you think such a thing." They both laughed as they kept rowing the boat. "I hope I've  changed your mind about that."

Rebecca nodded. "Yes. Yes you have..."

Colby smiled at her before looking up at the sky when it started thundering. "Uh oh."

Rebecca's shoulders slumped as she felt rain drops start to fall down. "Really?"

Colby stopped rowing the boat and scooted closer to Rebecca. "I didn't think it was supposed to rain today?" Rebecca said wiping the rain from her eyes.

"I didn't think it was either..." Colby said shaking his head. "Well, I guess this is going to go a lot different than I  had planned."

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows as she looked over at him. "What do you mean?"

Colby smiled at her before grabbing her hand. He then pulled out a small black box. Rebecca's mouth dropped  before she covered it with her other hand. "You're not serious..."

Colby smiled at her. "Rebecca, you are the best thing to  ever happen to me. I'm so glad you invited me on that trip, because I never would have realized how much I really loved you. You make every day better and better, and like I've said before, you're the woman I plan on spending the rest of my life with."  Rebecca leaned over and hugged him almost knocking them off of the boat. It then started pouring the rain on them, just like it had before their first kiss. Colby raised his voice, "Rebecca Mary Quin, will you do me the honor and be my wife?"

Rebecca smiled and let her emotions fall out of her. "Yes!" She whispered as she hugged him tightly. Colby smiled and held her close before pulling back and placing the ring on her finger. "I love you..."

Colby cupped her cheeks, pushing back her now damp hair. "I love you more." He then pressed his lips onto hers.

Rebecca laughed as she pulled back. "That's not how this was supposed to go was it?"

Colby shook his head. "Not what i had imagined, no." He then kissed her again, this time deepening the kiss.

He knew of very few proposals that went the way they were supposed to, and this was not one of them. In all honesty, Colby didn't care how it went though, as long as the ending was the same: the two of them together, forever.

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