Chapter 8

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After a few minutes of realizing what Colby might actually do, Rebecca jumped up and followed an angry Colby towards Toms office. "Hey, hey!" She exclaimed grabbing his arm and making him look at her. "What are you doing?"

Colby huffed and put a hand up shaking his head. "Rebecca i said if he did anything again I was going to have a talk with him. You don't have to-"

"Colby if you go in there all mad, you might get in trouble. He ain't worth it ok?" Rebecca said looking at Tom's office before looking up at Colby.

"He made fun of you Rebecca?! Let me handle him." Colby stated grabbing her hands.

Rebecca moved and stood between him and Toms door. "You don't have to beat him up for me...It ain't worth us getting in trouble ok?"

Colby rolled his eyes. "Ok fine, i won't do anything. But I swear if he does anything else-"

"He won't." Rebecca said with a sigh. Colby then sighed and walked to the break lounge while Rebecca walked back upstairs with a huff.

. . . . . . . .

"Mom i promise he's still coming." Rebecca shook her head as she talked to her mom on the phone. Annette called again and asked how her presentation went, and when Rebecca told her Annette changed the subject to—you can guess it—the wedding.

"You have told me nothing about him. You have texted me no pictures of him and you together, and you have no stories to tell me about what you all do!" Annette paused. "Im starting to think you're lying to me and you don't even have one..."

Rebecca froze. Was she seriously that bad at lying? Was her whole family going to figure out? "Can i at least know his name?"

Rebecca stuttered and took a deep breath. "His name is Colby..."

Rebecca could tell Annette smiled from the other side of the phone. "Colby. That sounds like a cool name." Rebecca chuckled. It felt weird to here her mother say his name. Maybe it was just the accent or maybe it was just the name itself, whatever it was she liked it. "What's he like?"

Rebecca smiled. "Well we work together, We both work in the same departments. He is funny and nice..." She paused. "And protective. He's got a good heart mom..."

"Aw. I'm so excited to hear that sweetheart. He seems like a great guy." Annette said. "Becky i have to go. Katie is here and she's helping me cook. I'll see you in a few weeks ok? Mama loves you."

Rebecca smiled. "I love you too mom." Rebecca hung up and when she looked up at the door, she saw Colby standing in the doorway. "Ah!" Rebecca yelled as Colby laughed. "That's not funny!"

Colby smiled and walked into the room. "So let me get this straight. I'm funny, nice, protective, and I have a good heart right?"

Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Why did you eavesdrop? I was on the phone with my mom?!"

Colby smirked and sat down in front of the desk. "I didn't mean to, I just brought us some lunch. But if you would rather-"

Rebecca took the bag out of his hand. "Nope I'm hungry."

Colby laughed and took his burger out of the bag. "How's Annette?"

Rebecca's heart warmed up hearing Colby ask about her mom. If Colby could remember her family members names, she was hoping he was actually trying to get to know her and her family better. "She's good. I told her what your name was. She kept asking about you."

Colby nodded and smiled. "Does she think I'm a good guy?"

Rebecca chuckled as she ate a fry. "Well, she's really excited to meet you. Like you heard, I told her a little bit about you."

Colby smiled and took a bite of his burger. "Thanks for lunch. I actually forgot mine so..."

Colby smiled at Rebecca's words. "You're welcome. I was hungry and I know we're trying to get closer so..."

After the two ate Rebecca and him sat on her couch talking. She was glad he was there talking to her, because he was taking her mind off of the press conference from earlier. "Alright so that sounds like a plan." Rebecca stated closing her laptop.

Colby didn't say anything and as she stood he looked up at her. "Rebecca hang on." She turned around looking at him before sitting back down. "I need a favor."

Rebecca nodded and pulled her skirt down. "Sure..."

"I have a banquet to go to. And I need someone who works with me to go." Colby looked at her. "Would you be my date?"

Rebecca's mouth opened but nothing came out. She then looked down at her lap with furrowed eyebrows. "What now?"

Colby rolled his eyes and sighed. "This is embarrassing...but I need a date to the banquet. Our whole department will be there and they are bringing a date. And since I'm going to Ireland to be your date and...boyfriend...I was hoping you would do the same for me tomorrow night?"

Rebecca tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. Was this really happening? Was the most perfect man asking her to be his date? "It would really mean a lot Rebecca."

Rebecca then closed her mouth and smiled. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you will be acting like my fake front of my family...for two whole weeks, and all you want me to do in return is be your date tomorrow night?

Colby nodded. "Just like I am your only option, you may be my only option too."

Rebecca sighed and looked at the wall. "Do we have a deal?" He asked making her look back at him.

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah. We have a deal."

Colby smiled. "Deal." They gazed at each other in silence. "I'll pick you up tomorrow evening at 7. Dress formal."

Rebecca gave him an awkward thumbs up as he walked out of her office. Somehow his words only registered after he left. Rebecca would be going on a date tomorrow. A fake date... with her fake boyfriend. And she needed a formal dress.

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