Chapter 37

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Colby didn't know what to think when he saw Rebecca standing in that hallway. He had been there for three days now, and hadn't slept for two of them. Although he hasn't talked to his dad in almost 7 years, he was still somehow sad when he found out his dad had cancer.

Colby tried to push his emotions aside but when he got inside of the room and saw his dad lying there, he broke down. Even though they fought a lot, that was still his dad.

Now that he had Rebecca there, he had someone to lean on, a shoulder to cry on, a support system, and most of all, the one person he loved most in this world.

"How did you find me?" Colby asked rubbing his hand up and down Rebecca's back. She was still sitting in his lap with her arms wrapped around him. He hadn't let her know where he was, and she had never been to Iowa before, so he was very curious.

Rebecca chuckled and looked up at him. "It's a long story."

Colby smiled and kissed her forehead. "We've got time..."

Rebecca smiled and shook her head. "Well, I was worried when you didn't show up for our coffee date. I stayed there for I don't even know how long waiting for you and when you didn't show up I left to go to work. I thought that maybe you had forgot about our date and just went on in to work, so I was surprised to not see you there. I saw Joe walk out of my office so I asked him where you was and he told me." She then looked up at him. "I then left work and got on the first plane to Iowa I could find and came all the way here. I didn't even bring a suitcase."

Colby chuckled and pulled strand of her hair behind her ear. "Once i landed, I spent 6 hours going to different hospitals around here, and then I finally found you."

Colby shook his head. "Rebecca Mary Quin. You are amazing." He then leaned down and gave her a long kiss. "I love you..."

Rebecca smiled and pressed her forehead to his. "I love you too."

Colby then looked at her for almost a minute, making her a little uncomfortable. "Are you ok?"

Colby nodded and glanced over at an elevator.
"Yeah..." He paused and looked back at her. "Remember when I told you about me and dad fighting and you said we needed to make up?" When Rebecca nodded he continued. "I think I'm gonna try to talk to him..."

Rebecca smiled and caressed his cheek. "I think that would be an amazing idea."

Colby nodded. "I also want him to meet you." Rebecca looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "You're my girlfriend Becks, and sooner or later you're going to be my wife. I want you two to meet."

Wife? Rebecca wanted to kiss him long and hard just hearing that come out of his mouth. Instead, she just nodded. "'s whatever you want me to do love. I would love to meet him."

Colby smiled and nudged her up before she helped him to his feet. They walked hand in hand to the elevator and up to the 4th floor.

Rebecca fiddled with her special ring, thoughts of her dad rushing through her head. She twisted the ring back and forth with her free hand remembering his condition, and when they reached the room, all of the emotions hit her. She was then so glad she was there, because she didn't want Colby to feel the same things she did.

Colby squeezed her hand and walked over to his dads bedside. He smiled down at him, "Hey..."

His dad looked up at him weakly. "Colby? I hardly recognized you bud."

Colby nodded. "'s been a while." There was a short pause before he spoke up again. "Are you feeling ok?"

His dad looked down. "I'm still alive. So that's all that matters." He then looked up at Rebecca with a smirk. "Are you gonna introduce me to this beautiful woman?"

Rebecca smiled and waved at him awkwardly. "Dad this is Rebecca, my girlfriend."

Rebecca walked over and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Lopez."

He smiled. "Please, call me Bob." Rebecca nodded and stepped back. "I can tell you're not American, where you from?"

"Ireland. I moved here almost 4 years ago to work in New York." She paused for a minute before continuing. "Me and Colby work together."

He nodded and looked over at his son. "That's good boy. Are you still at that construction company?"

Colby nodded. "Yeah. I'm actually the new boss..."

Rebecca looked up at Colby. Before looking down at Bob. "That's amazing! Im proud kiddo."

Colby smiled and looked up at Rebecca. "Love, do you mind if I have a one on one with him?"

Rebecca nodded and smiled. "Of course. I'll be in the waiting room." She then walked over and kissed his cheek before walking to the door. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Bob."

Bon nodded and looked up at Colby. "There's something me and you need to talk about dad..."

Rebecca smiled as she walked down the hallway, because for once in her life she felt so happy. And it wasn't just a feeling that lasted a few seconds, this was gonna last forever, and Rebecca knew it was all because of Colby. She couldn't be any more proud of him for choosing to stay in New York, and she had a feeling him being a boss would be amazing, especially since he could probably make the rules. She was also proud of him for talking to his dad, because she knew she would give anything to be able to talk to hers again. Colby and Bob hadn't talked in over 7 years and now that Rebecca knew she had changed Colby's mind about him, she couldn't be happier to have them get close again.

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