Chapter 36

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In her 32 years of life, Rebecca had few but very different life-altering moments. Some had lasted seconds, no more than glimpses or moments in which a realization dawned. And others had lasted minutes, hours, even weeks. Either way, she could count those moments with both hands. Recite them from memory too. The first time she dipped her feet into the sea. The first math equation she solved. Her first kiss. Falling in and out of love with Bryan. All the terrible months after breaking off their engagement. Boarding that plane to America to start a new life. Watching her brother get married.

And then there was Colby. She thought she wouldn't be able to pick one single moment when it came to him. Because it was him, the one thing that made that span of time important.

Falling asleep in his arms. Watching him smile at almost anything she said. Waking up, after a night she would never forget, with his skin against hers. And then his absence....

After finding out he left New York, Rebecca called him 13 times, and not one single time did he pick up. It went straight to voicemail. She then left texts, probably too many of them, but he never answered her, because they never delivered. And that was two days ago.

She thought, why wouldn't he tell me? Why couldn't he tell me he was leaving to see his dad? He should know I would have went with him...

Her head spun with those thoughts for 4 hours on the flight from New York to Iowa, continuously bouncing from hope to the dread that could only come from loss. And when the plane touched the ground, she still wasn't sure if she should feel hopeful she was closer to him, but as she walked into a hospital she held onto that hope.

After checking the now third hospital in Iowa, and her not finding Colby, Rebecca got into another taxi and asked them to take her to the next hospital. She sat in the taxi, hoping she wasn't to late, and that she could be there for Colby when he needs her.

Once the taxi pulled up to the next hospital, Rebecca walked through the metal doors and inside. She looked straight ahead at the front desk, and to her left was bathrooms and a maternity ward. She then looked to her right where she saw 7 people in the waiting room, including Colby.

With his arms on his knees and his head hanging low between his shoulders, there was yet another life altering moment for Rebecca.

And she realized as soon as she saw him, sitting there alone, without her, that she would always be there for him. Just like he was there for her.

"Colby," She heard herself say. I'm here my love. Let me be here for you please!

Rebecca didn't think he could hear her from where she was, but he did, because his head snapped up in her direction. As he sat in the plastic chair, his back straightened, and his gaze half-turned in her direction. She could see the disbelief in his profile, as if he thought he had imagined her name.

But he hadn't. Because she was right there. And if he would let her, she was gonna take care of him. She would comfort him, caress his back, brush her fingers through his hair. Basically anything to distract him from everything around him.

She watched his legs straighten as he stood up. Then his lips parted into a small smile. "Rebecca."

It wasn't the flirty Rebecca like it usually was. It was the anguish in his voice, the need for her. The way his hair was ruffled, the wrinkles in his clothes that let everyone know he hadn't changed in a few days, the bags under his eyes that propelled her forward.

Rebecca sprinted across the hallway, towards him, and right into his arms. It probably wasn't appropriate, under the roof they were in, but it just felt so right.

He lifted her off of the floor, squeezing her into his chest as he held her in his arms. She buried her face into his neck, repeating the same words over and over, "I'm here Colby. Everything's gonna be ok, I'm here love."

Colby let out a small sigh. "Rebecca, baby. Becks are you really here?" He sounded broken. "Are you really here babe? I haven't slept in two, three days maybe? I've lost count."

"I'm here Colby. It's really me babe." She chuckled a little before he walked backwards and sat back in the chair. He draped her legs over top of his and he held her close to him.

Rebecca looked into his eyes sympathetically. "I'm so sorry, Colby. For your dad, for me not being here. I'm really sorry." Colby shook his head. "How is he?"

Colby sighed. "He's..." Colby shook his head again. "I've seen him but he's been out of it the whole time." He trailed off sounding exhausted.

Rebecca rubbed a hand over his cheek. "I wish you would have told me. I would would have came with you. I would've been by your side..."

Colby nodded. "I know honey, I know. It was kind of last minute. When i got home I saw a voicemail on my house phone from the hospital. After I answered and heard what happened, I knew I had to get over here as soon as possible, so I just left. I texted Joe once I was on the plane and I would have texted you but when I called you it went straight to voicemail so I didn't want to bother you.

Rebecca gave him a small smile. "Well I'm here now so that's all that matters."

Colby smiled and leaned up to press his lips to hers. "I love you, Rebecca. I love freakin much."

Rebecca smiled and kissed him again. "I love you too, Colby."

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