Chapter 17

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Rebecca's jaw dropped as she heard what Colby had said. He's been in love with me this whole time? Is this why he wanted to go to Ireland with me? Why didn't he ask me out sooner? All kinds of questions came into her mind. When Colby eyed her though she remembered her mom was standing right in front of her. So, Rebecca smiled and nodded. "Yep. That's what happened."

Annette smiled. "Aww. That was so sweet." She smiled at Rebecca.

Rebecca looked at Colby and shook her head. "Well he's not wrong. I was nervous, being the new girl at a new job and all that jazz." She smiled before continuing. "I didn't want to make a fool of myself. And the last thing I wanted was someone thinking I was terrible for the job. So after my first week I decided to get gifts for everyone. I walked into Brad, our manager's office, and handed him his. I gave some to Jonathan and Joe who works in our department. And then I gave one to Ashley before I walked into Colby's office and handed him his."

Colby looked down at their connected hands as he listened to her. "I started up a conversation and then handed him his, but he just looked up at me with his furrowed eyebrows. I got impatient and reached in the bag and pulled out his present." Colby chuckled as he remembered.

"I got him a mug with a stupid engineering joke on it." Rebecca smiled. "He just stared at it without saying anything, so I immediately felt embarrassed, and left the room thinking he thought I was a freak. And I've thought that since that day it was true , until a few months ago when we first started dating."

Colby looked at her with a sympathetic smile, and when Rebecca seen his eyes she knew he was speaking to her, not Annette. "I didn't think she was a freak. I couldn't get the courage to speak up and talk to her because she took my breath away." Rebecca smiled and tried not to cry. "I had worked there for years and she was the first person that made me want to come into work everyday." He then chuckled. "And I loved the mug. It's my favorite one."

"And you told me that this relationship wasn't a big deal." Annette said. "This is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard." Rebecca smiled at Colby before turning her attention to Annette. "I'm glad you was able to come. I have a feeling the family is going to love you."

Colby smiled. "Well I surely hope so. I have a feeling I'm going to love it here."

They then turned their attention to the knocks at the front door. "I'll be right back." Annette stated before walking to the front door.

Rebecca smiled at Colby as Annette left. "That went a lot better than I thought it would."

Colby shook his head and turned to look at her. "Just like I told you it would. I told you there was no need to be worried."

Rebecca chuckled and they didn't speak for a few seconds. "Have you really been in love with me this whole time?"

Colby looked down at her and nodded his head slowly. "Yeah..." He whispered.

Rebecca then shook her head and whispered. "Why didn't you tell me? I've spent years hating you because I thought you hated me, Colby."

Colby shrugged. "I didn't know how to tell you. And I figured there was nothing that was going to change your mind about me. Everyone in the department hated me, which made you hate me..."

Rebecca gave him a sad smile. "Everyone told me what a terrible person you I believed them. But I don't believe them anymore. You're amazing."

Colby then smiled and rested his forehead against hers rubbing her hand, that was still intertwined in his.

When Annette opened the door, Rebecca looked over Colby's shoulder and saw her brother and future sister-in-law walk into the house. Rebecca's face lit up as she jumped down from the bar stool and quickly walked towards him. "Richie!" She said as they embraced. "I've missed you so much."

Richie smiled and kissed her cheek. "I've missed you more sis." He pulled back and Rebecca hugged Katie before they walked into the kitchen where Colby and Annette were. Richie smiled at Annette and gave her a hug. "Hey Ma." He then turned his attention to the man standing next to Rebecca. Richie looked at Rebecca before looking back at Colby. "Who's this?"

Rebecca was worried that Richie would see right through her lie. After what happened with Bryan, Richie was protective over her. Colby though smiled and wrapped an arm around Rebecca's shoulders. "Richie, this is my boyfriend Colby."

Colby smiled at him and extended his arm. "It's nice to meet you. Becks has told me a lot about you."

Richie nodded and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. Have you ever been to Ireland before?"

Colby shook his head. "No I've never had the pleasure." He then looked down at Rebecca. "But i told Rebecca that I wanted to see where she grew up, so she's going to show me around."

Richie nodded. "It's a beautiful country. There's tons of places to visit so... I hope she has time to show you them."

"Yeah me too." Colby said chuckling.

About an hour later the rest of Rebecca's family arrived at the house, and they all joined each other outside in the big backyard. One of Richies friend's had grilled some food that they all enjoyed. As they were eating Rebecca was hoping Colby didn't feel left out. She knew they weren't actually a couple, but she knew how nervous he had to be.

"Alright boys!" Richie called out now that everyone was done eating. "Whose ready for some football?!"

All of the men yelled and jumped up. Colby though looked next to him where Rebecca was sitting. "You don't have to play if you don't want to. It's kind of a family tradition...they always play football when we get together."

"Aye! Is the new guy going to play or what?!" Bryan yelled getting Colby's attention.

Colby smirked and patted Rebecca's knee as he stood up. He smiled at the man as he remembered Rebecca and Bryan's interaction from the other day. "Yeah! Let's play some football!"

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