Chapter 13

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Rebecca regretted everything she said. She appreciated Colby for helping her, in fact she was happy he found her. She had been wanting to see him all day, but when she did she snapped at him for no reason.

After Colby left, Rebecca packed up, cleaned her office, and left the building. She was hoping Colby would still be there so she could apologize and ask for a ride, so when she looked around and never found him she was disappointed.

She stopped when she got outside. It was dark, and it was pouring the rain, and Rebecca had walked to work yesterday morning. She slapped a hand over her forehead, "Ugh!" She exclaimed, trying to stay under the canopy to avoid getting wet. It didn't matter though because Colby left, so she was going to have to walk home anyway.

Rebecca sighed and started walking down the street. She had her purse above her head sprinting down a cross walk. She bumped into a few people but honestly she didn't care. She was just trying to get less drenched, although that wasn't possible.

She was also thinking about Colby. She didn't mean to say any of that to him, she was just aggravated at him because he was right. Rebecca knew she shouldn't have starved herself, but she did. She knew she shouldn't have yelled at him, but she did.

Colby was just trying to help her. She couldn't even imagine how scared he must have been to find her passed out in the middle of the hallway. He bought her food and water, and all she did was yell at him.

How stupid am I? This is why I can't keep a friend. She almost ran into a street post which is what brought her away from her thoughts. If she walked the rest of the way home, she would have at least 10 more minutes to go. She was already soaked so she might as well continue walking. But when Rebecca looked over at a restaurant and saw Colby sitting with Joe, her breath hitched.

Maybe he could give me a ride? She shook her head at that thought remembering he was mad at her. Or maybe this is the perfect opportunity to apologize to him... She thought stepping aside so people could walk past her.

She went with the second option though, and walked right out on the road. Cars were rushing by her, but she didn't care, she just needed to get her fake boyfriend back. When she got to the front doors of the restaurant she ran inside and then stopped. She looked around and realized all eyes were on her, including Colby.

Why wouldn't they be staring at her? She had water dripping off of her because she was so wet, and she was panting. He hair was frizzed up and she had mascara smeared on her face. She slowly walked towards Colby's table, taking a glance at everyone around her. She reached his table and looked down at him awkwardly. "Uh...Hi."

Joe looked at her then at Colby trying to understand what was happening. "Uhm, Rebecca? Me and Colby are in the middle of something..."

Colby didn't move though. He kept staring up at the crazy woman in front of him. "Oh I'm sorry." She opened her mouth to say more but she decided to turn around and start walking back. Once she reached the door she looked back and still saw Colby staring at her. She shook her head and went back to the table. "Actually I need to say something."

Joe furrowed his eyebrows and played with his fork. "I know this is very bad timing. But I want to apologize." Colby slowly nodded for her to continue. "I should have never said that stuff to you, you were just trying to help me. I think I snapped at you because I wasn't feeling well and I didn't mean any of it. You were just helping me and I appreciate it so much. I don't know what would have happened if it wasn't for you finding me. I would prob still be laying there." She paused for a second to chuckle. "You do mean something to me Colby. In the past two weeks you have made me so happy and I don't even know why or how because all we do is eat or drink together but anyways-" Colby looked up at her trying to understand her as she was rambling.

"You are my friend, and I really like you. Everyone told me that I was making a bad mistake hanging around you but I thought that they were crazy. And now that I know you better I know how good of a person you are. You are literally acting like my fake boyfriend just so I won't be embarrassed at the wedding, which means a lot to me. You could waste your time on any other woman but instead you chose me and I don't know why you chose me because I'm literally crazy and I ran in the rain just so I could come apologize to you and I'm starting to rethink my decision because I'm embarrassing myself and you guys and-"

Rebecca stopped talking when she felt a hand on her cheek and another one pushing her damp hair out of her face. Colby smiled at her. "You are...soaked. And crazy." He said chuckling. He looked over at Joe as he grabbed his jacket. "I'll call you later."

He grabbed her hand and placed his jacket over top of her as he lead them out of the restaurant. He then walked them to his car, helping her in. Once they were both in Colby looked over at her and laughed. "I'm really sorry for embarrassing you like that...I am never walking into that restaurant again." Rebecca said shaking her head smiling.

Colby placed a hand in her shoulder. "Rebecca it's ok." Rebecca sighed and chuckled. "Why didn't you call me to come pick you up? You're soaking wet Becks."

Rebecca shook her head. "I didn't think you wanted to see me so I didn't. I thought you were mad."

Colby reached over and pulled a strand of her hair behind her ear. He then shook his head before pulling her towards him and connecting their lips. "I could never get mad at you."

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