Chapter 16

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Colby took Rebecca to a nearby Ice Cream shop that he spotted when they were driving in the cab. He bought their Ice Creams then drove them to watch the sunset. Colby talked to Rebecca and asked her to talk about her childhood and it seemed to cheer up, which had them both smiling.

After it got dark they went back to Rebecca's farmhouse and watched a movie, and when Rebecca fell asleep in Colby's arms, he smiled even more. He kissed her head and lifted her up bridal style carrying her up to her bed.

The next morning the duo had got up and ready so that they could meet Rebecca's family. They were currently driving to her mothers house. "So I have to play football with your bother and his friends?" Colby asked looking over at Rebecca who nodded. "You could have warned me sooner...I've not played in a few weeks. I'll be rusty."

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrow and looked at him. "Rusty? Ha. Whatever. When you've got a body like that-" she said looking him up and down. "You'll never be rusty. You'll be 80 and you will still play football."

Colby laughed and shook his head. "Whatever you say Quin."

About an hour later they pulled into Annette's driveway. Rebecca sighed and pressed her palms to her eyes. "I can't believe we're about to do this. They're going to know I'm lying. I mean, after what happened with Bryan...they're going to know Colby."

Colby shook his head and grabbed her hand pulling it away from her face. "Hey." With his other hand he pulled her chin towards him, making her look at him. "We're going to be fine. We are going to go in there and be ourselves ok? It's just the two of us Becks..."

Rebecca nodded and kissed his palm when he cupped her cheek. The two then got out of the car and started walking up the driveway. "You remember their names right?" Colby nodded as he put his hand on her lower back. "And you remember what I told you? About getting to know them?"

Colby nodded. "Yes Becks. Your mom loves her garden, so if I want to start up a long conversation ask her about it. She also likes to cook. Your brother likes sports. Specifically football. Katie is his future wife, and is a hair stylist."

Rebecca smiled as they reached the front porch. "Good job!" When the door swung open Rebecca's heart started racing. She hadn't been to Ireland in almost 5 years, and she lost her dad in between that time. She didn't know how her mom and family would react, but when she saw the bright smile on Annette's face she knew she was happy. "Hi Mom!"

Annette chuckled and pulled her in for a hug. "Aww my Becks. I've missed you so much."

Rebecca tried not to tear up hugging her mom. She smiled and gave her a squeeze pulling back and looking at her. "I've missed you too Ma." Rebecca then smiled and looked at Colby. "Mom, this is Colby. My boyfriend."

Colby smiled and extended his arm. "It's lovely to meet you Mrs. Quin. I've heard great things about you."

Annette smiled and nodded. "It's nice to finally meet you as well. And you can call me Annette. Come on in you two!" She stepped aside and let them in the house. Rebecca looked around looking for any changes since the last time she had been there, and there wasn't any. "Are you two hungry? Thirsty?"

Rebecca looked up at Colby. "Thank you Annette, but I'm alright." He then wrapped an arm around Rebecca's waist, making her breath hitch. "Do you want something love?"

Love. It sounded so magical coming out of his mouth. She couldn't help but stare up at him. "I'm alright mom. But thank you." Rebecca smiled before looking away. "The house looks great." She said following her into the kitchen.

Annette smiled and waved her off. "It's not changed much. Just added some more pictures, and a few paintings but that's about it."

Rebecca smiled and sat down at the bar stool. Colby came in and sat beside of her. "So..." Annette said turning around and looking at the two. "How have you been? How's New York?"

Rebecca smiled and took Colby's hand that was on her thigh. "I've been amazing mom. And it's great! I love my job, the people in it..." She said eyeing Colby. "I really like it." She smiled. "How are you doing? Are you still working at your flower shop?"

Annette nodded. "Of course I am! I love my shop!" She said laughing. She then smiled and looked between the two. "So, Colby. Where are you from?"

Colby flashed a smile and looked at Annette. "I'm from Iowa. Davenport actually. I grew up there and once I graduated I moved up to New York."

Annette furrowed her eyebrows and nodded. "Wow. That's a pretty big change. Do you like it?"

Colby nodded. "It's taken me a while to get used to but I love it."

Annette nodded again. "How did you two meet?"

Rebecca looked at Colby worriedly. But Colby just smiled. "We met at work actually." Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows wondering what he was about to tell her. "I was sitting in the conference room waiting for our manager to come in. I was having a pretty bad morning, so I was in a crappy mood. I was sitting there on my phone when I heard clicking heels, and a woman come in. I looked up and looked at her, and I couldn't take my eyes off of her." Rebecca then remembered the day he was talking about. She smiled and tried not to tear up knowing that he remembered.

"I had never seen someone so beautiful before. It was her first day and she looked like she was having a bad morning as well. There wasn't any seats left except for the one beside of me, so when we made eye contact I smiled at her and she sat down beside of me. She introduced herself , told me her name was Rebecca and stumbled on all of her words, but sitting there talking to her put me in the best mood." Colby said looking over at Rebecca and smiling. "And i didn't know it then, but dating your daughter has made me realize, I've been in love with her ever since then."

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