Chapter 7

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The week went on, and on Friday morning Rebecca was a nervous wreck. She had finished the rest of her presentation yesterday at work, and today the Authorities were coming, which meant she had to present it.

She had been pacing her office all morning as Colby scanned through it and looked at it. He could read the whole thing of course, but he was scanning through it to make sure she done everything right. "Did i not put enough information on there? Do I need to add more?"

Colby shook his head and smiled back at her. "It looks great Rebecca."

Rebecca chuckled dryly. "Haha. Don't lie to me."

Colby put his hands up in surrender. "I'm not lying Becks, from what I seen it looks really good."

Rebecca nodded. "Thank you, for looking at it. I know you were busy so..."

Colby shook his head. "You're ok. I'm not that busy in the mornings anyways." He then stood up and faced her. "Don't be nervous. You'll do amazing."

Rebecca shook her head. "Thanks for trying to cheer me up but I feel like I'm about to puke. What if they don't like it? Then Brad is going to be pissed at me. I could get fired if they don't like it Colby! Oh my god! I never thought about that. I'm literally going to lose my job if they don't like my presentation!"

Colby chuckled and grabbed her shoulders. "Rebecca. Calm down." He shook her shoulders gently before she looked up at him again. "You're not going to lose your job. They will love it."

Colby let go of her shoulders and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Now they'll be here in 30 minutes, so I'm going to go and let you warm up. Let me know how it goes afterwards." He called out as he walked out of her office.

Rebecca took a deep breath and looked at her presentation over and over again. When Brad came to her office and knocked on her door she looked up fearfully. "Rebecca are you ready?"

Rebecca nodded and was escorted to the conference room. When she went inside and seen how many people there was, she wanted to break down and cry. She was thinking about faking sick and running back home, but she knew she would more than likely get fired for it. She scanned the room as everyone chattered as she sat in front of the room.

Brad came up and stood beside of her with a big smile plastered on his face. "May i have your attention please! Welcome everyone to New York engineering firm. Today I have one of my best clients, Rebecca Quin, who is going to share her presentation over our engineering plans. She has worked very hard on this and I'm positive that you all are not gonna be disappointed. So without further or do, Rebecca you may begin."

Brad went off of the stage and stood in the corner watching her. Rebecca was shaking and breathing heavily. She didn't think there would be this many people here today, but she was very wrong. "Hello everyone!" She said awkwardly. She looked around the room and began her presentation.

She did good for the most part, although she stuttered through most of it. She messed up the word "Aluminum" and everyone laughed at her. She laughed too so she was hoping nothing else would happen. Thankfully nothing else did...until she started walking off the stage, where she missed a step and went flying into Brads arms. Brad caught her though and sat her back on her feet before talking to them more. Rebecca though ran out and went back to her office in a mess.

She was hoping no one seen her, but when she seen Tom laughing at her—and recording her—, she knew most of them saw. She laid down on her office couch and closed her eyes before Ashley came into the room with a smile on her face. "Why didn't you tell me?!" Rebecca looked up at her confused. "Don't act like you don't know. Why didn't you tell me about you and Colby?"

Rebecca sighed thanking god it wasn't about her presentation. "It just happened. He drove me home the other night and I told him we would hang out, so that's what we are doing, hanging out."

Ashley sat down on the couch. "'s it going?"

Rebecca sat up so her friend would have more room. "We've been hanging out for a few days so, so far so good. I told him about my family and he's starting to memorize their names and their favorite things."

Ashley smiled. "Well I'm glad he's actually trying to be a good fake boyfriend."

Rebecca chuckled and then they turned their attention to the man standing in the door frame. "Hey can i come in?" Colby asked.

Rebecca looked at Ashley. "Yeah come in."

Colby walked in and seen the duo on the couch. "I didn't mean to interrupt. I can leave if you want me to."

Rebecca shook her head and smiled. "No no! It's ok, we were just talking about...things."

Colby nodded furrowing his eyebrows. He then sat down in the chair across from them. "How did the presentation go?"

Rebecca shook her head and face palmed. "It went awful."

Colby and Ashley shared a look. "Becks what happened?" Colby asked leaning on he knees.

Rebecca looked up and took a deep breath. "Well I stuttered throughout the whole thing. And get this, when I walked off staged I fell right into Brads arms."

Ashley's mouth dropped while Colby presses his lips together. "Did anyone see you?" Ashley asked.

Rebecca scoffed. "Yep. Tom Philip did. And guess what! He pointed and laughed, which made a lot more people laugh. He also recorded me so I'm sure I'll be tiktok famous in a few days."

Colby cleared his throat. "I'll be back."

Ashley looked over at Rebecca with a shocked expression. Rebecca looked at her confused, and shocked, and  happy, that someone was going to deal with Tom. And it made her a little bit happier that that someone was Colby freakin Lopez.

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