Chapter 38

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Colby talked to his dad for almost an hour. They apologized to each other and somehow Colby felt closer to him than he had ever before. They talked about his job, how New York was, and Colby's personal favorite, how he and Rebecca came to be.

He was glad to have the opportunity to talk to him. He knew Rebecca didn't have the opportunity to talk to her dad before he passed, so he wasn't gonna take this for granted.

Now he was lying on the bed of a hotel room with Rebecca sprawled across his chest. She was drawing circles on his arm as they talked. "So he's ok then?"

Colby nodded and rubbed his hand through her hair. "Yeah...he's doing good for someone his age."

Rebecca let a small smile out. "I'm glad you talked to him Colby." There was a short pause as she made eye contact with him. "I would have given anything to have had time to be with my dad..."

Colby caressed her cheek. "I wish you did too, baby."

The two sat in silence for a few more minutes before Rebecca looked up at him again. " long are you wanting to stay here? I didn't bring anything besides my phone and purse..."

Colby laughed and shook his head. "Dang Quin, that curious to see me huh?" He pulled her up closer to him kissing her. Rebecca's hand moved from his chest and into his hair as she deepened the kiss. "Maybe I should leave more often then."

Rebecca laughed and pulled back patting his chest. "I was worried about you. And I knew you needed me, so I had to hurry over here."

Colby smiled and intertwined their hand together. "I know I've been joking about it, but I seriously needed you..." Rebecca rubbed a thumb over their intertwined hands. "So thank you for coming, Becks."

Rebecca smiled as he lifted their hands and kissed hers. "I'm glad I came too."

. . . . . . .

"Alright so I'll need Jon to get the paperwork signed, Joseph to call and make appointments with other collaborators, I need Ashley to copy the blueprints down and send them to Tom who will then take them to Mr. Parker." Colby said.

The due came back yesterday and came into work a few minutes ago. Now that Colby is the new manager, he was telling everyone what he was wanting them to do, and of course he gave Tom the worst one.

"I'm no going all the way to Maryland to deliver blueprints." Tom stated next to Ashley.

Colby made eye contact with Rebecca, who was picking up her papers that she had dropped for the 5th time that day. Colby just smiled and shook his head. "Actually you can. Because if you don't you're fired."

Tom threw his hands up in the air in frustration. "I have a meeting with another client today! If I don't meet with him I'll lose that client! Get Quin to do it, it would be better than her picking up the papers she's dropped all morning." Tom then started laughing, which made a few other men laugh.

Ashley pressed her lips together and looked between Joseph and Jon. Rebecca then stood up cradling the papers to her chest before sitting down awkwardly. "Uhm...we've been on vacation for two weeks now, and we just got back from Iowa. I'm tired of traveling for a while."

Tom rolled his eyes. "It doesn't matter what you want Quin-"

"Go to Maryland or you're fired Tom." Colby said sternly. "And you don't talk to her like that, you got me?"

Tom shook his head again. "Why-"

"I said do you got me..." Colby said giving him a death stare.

Tom sighed. "Yeah...I got you. I'll go to Maryland..."

Rebecca smiled up at Colby before flipping through her papers. Jon and Joseph gave each other a knowing look before smirking at Colby.

Colby shook his head at them before looking at Rebecca. "And uhm, for you Ms. Quin." He looked down his clipboard before slowly nodding. "I need to have a talk with you in my office."

Rebecca's mouth opened but nothing came out. She nodded nervously and looked down at her papers. "All right. That's all I needed to tell you all. Tom I want you back tomorrow, so don't fool around and waste time down there."

Tom sighed and stood up grabbing his suitcase. He left the room shaking his head, making Ashley laugh. "Flair." Colby said making her look up at him. "Get to work."

Ashley nodded and hurried out of the room leaving the other four sitting at the conference table. "You two can leave." He then stood up and pointed at Rebecca. "And you can come with me."

Rebecca stood up and followed Colby down the long hallway quietly. He opened his door and let her in first before turning around, shutting and locking it. "If this is about me dropping the papers like 5 times today, I'm really sorry. I've been really clumsy today and I've been kind of off since we-"

Colby cut her off with a hard kiss. "Shut up, Quin." He then wrapped his arms around her waist resting his forehead against hers. "Did you actually think I was mad at you for that?"

Rebecca smiled and blushed. "Well...yeah. You gave me a weird look so I thought I embarrassed you."

Colby laughed and kissed her forehead. "Love, you didn't embarrass me. I just thought it was funny."

Rebecca shook her head. "You don't have any work for me, so you can get caught up on what we've missed while we've been gone ok?"

Rebecca smiled and nodded as he kissed her. "Are you sure? Everyone else has something-"

He cut her off with another kiss. "Yep. Now go get caught up." Colby gave her butt a slap before walking around his desk. When he didn't see Rebecca leave he looked back up. "Ok, if you want me to give you-"

"Nope I'm good! I'll go get caught up." She said confidently. "I love you!" She said opening the door and walking out.

Colby just smiled and started on his paperwork and then a few minutes later, Joseph and Jon walked in taking a seat in front of him. "So you and Rebecca huh?" Joseph said smiling.

"I like it." Jon said from beside of him. "She's cool man."

Colby smiled at them and nodded. "I thought this trip was just a compromise?" Joseph said.

Colby shook his head. "That's what I thought too, but stuff happens." He then paused before signing. "I'm in love her man."

Jon and Joseph nodded and then started grinning. "We can tell. Just don't let her go."

Colby smiled. "She's the woman I plan on spending the rest of my life with. I'm not letting go of her anytime soon."

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