Chapter 15

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As soon as they unpacked and got settled in, the duo went to Rebecca's favorite coffee shop in Downtown Dublin. They here going to spend two weeks in Ireland and Rebecca was determined to show Colby the best of it. She knew that they were both tired from the plane ride, so she figured they could use a pick me up.

"My dad used to bring me here all the time when I was little." Rebecca said holding her coffee cup in front of her. "There used to be a little couch over there in the corner that we would sit at and talk, but they remodeled the shop a couple of years ago."

Colby smiled across from her as he drank his coffee. "It's a nice little place. It's cute... and cozy."

Rebecca laughed as she took a drink of hers. "Alright. Tomorrow we will be meeting my family. So, can you remember their names?"

Colby sat up in his chair and rested his elbows on the table. "Your mom's name is Annette. She loves to talk about her garden so if I want her to like me I need to ask about her plants." Rebecca nodded and motioned for him to continue. "Richie is your brother, and also the groom. He took over your dads job after he passed away, and loves football." Rebecca nodded once again and he continued. "The bride's name is Katie and she is a hair stylist. She and Richie met a few years ago, and she and Richie have two dogs. Margo and Lucy."

Rebecca did a little clap and smiled. "I'm proud! You remembered."

Colby shook his head smiling. "You made me rehearse it more than once ya know."

Once the two were done with their coffees they planned on leaving and going back to Rebecca's house to rest. But when a familiar face came in the shop, Rebecca wanted to melt away. Colby seen how frazzled she was and stepped in front of her rubbing her arm. "Hey...What's wrong?"

Rebecca shook her head and cleared her throat. "Nothing. We need to go."

"Rebecca?" The familiar face said looking over at her. Rebecca stepped out of behind Colby and faced the man in front of her. "Man, I've not seen you in forever."

Rebecca nodded and looked down at her feet while Colby watched the two interact. "Yeah I know. Been a busy gal." She looked back up and he chuckled at her words. "How have you been?"

The man shook his head up and down stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I've been good. Just helping your brother plan the wedding." He said laughing. Rebecca gave him a small smile, one that Colby knew to well, and looked at the man in front of her. "I see you've moved on..."

Rebecca sighed and looked up at Colby who was standing there confused. "Right. Uhm...Colby this is my old friend Bryan. Bryan, this is my boyfriend Colby."

Colby smiled and extended his hand out to the man in front of them. Bryan took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you." Colby said.

Bryan smirked and pulled back his hand. "Nice to meet you too." He then looked over at Rebecca with furrowed eyebrows. "I thought you said you were done with men. Ya know after you cheated on me."

Rebecca scoffed. "I never said that nor did I ever cheat on you." She stated trying not to cause a scene. "I told you I didn't want to get back with you. Not ever date again."

Colby stared at the man in front of him watching him closely. "Yeah whatever." Bryan then looked up at Colby and rolled his eyes. "Have fun with that one. She's a slut." Bryan then walked up to the front to order a coffee and Rebecca quickly walked out of the building.

Colby watched as she left and went up to Bryan. "If you ever speak about her like that again, I'll make sure you never talk again." He whispered in his ear before walking out of the coffee shop to try and find Rebecca.

When he looked to the left he didn't see her but when he looked to his right he saw her walking down the street running a hand through her hair. "Becks! Wait up."

Rebecca shook her head and kept walking while Colby picked up the pace and started following her. "Rebecca!"

Rebecca still  ignored him and kept walking. Colby took a deep breath and ran up to her wrapping a hand on her arm, making her turn towards him. "Ok first off, I am in a country I have NEVER been in before, so please don't run off like that. Second, why didn't you tell me about him?"

Rebecca shook her head and looked down at her feet. Colby cupped her jaw making her look up at him as he brushed a strand of hair out of her face. He then wiped a tear that had slipped from her eye. "Becks..."

Rebecca closed her eyes and took a breath. "Bryan is my ex fiancé." Colby was stunned by her words. "We dated for about 3 years before he proposed and then after I got home from work I found out he had been cheating on me for a year. I broke off the engagement and went back home to my little farmhouse, and after a while I just decided to move to America."

Colby pulled Rebecca to his chest cradling her head. "This is why you didn't want to come to the wedding alone isn't it? It's not because you would be's because you knew he would be here."

Rebecca nodded against his chest. "Yeah...he's Katie's brother... so he'll be at the wedding."

Colby nodded and pulled back cupping Rebecca's face. "He didn't deserve you anyways. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met, and you deserve way better." Rebecca smiled as Colby leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Come on, we're getting Ice Cream."

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