Chapter 5

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It was Wednesday, and Rebecca already felt like she had been working for a year on her presentation. She stayed late last night to work on it, and she was going to have to stay again each night until she got it finished. She had two days—not including today—to finish 14 pages, and she only had 3 done.

Rebecca walked into work that morning with a large cup of coffee in hand. After she left yesterday she got home around 11, so she didn't go to bed until almost 2.
Which of course is what led her to be almost an hour late.

She walked into her office and was met by the devil. Tom freakin Philips. She sat her stuff down on her desk and looked at him. "What can i do for you Tom?"

Tom smirked and looked her up and down. "You look nice. I love your skirt."

Rebecca rolled her eyes and pointed towards the door. "If you can in here to talk about my appearance, you can go to hell."

Tom shook his head laughing. "Calm down Irish. I just needed you to sign these."

Tom handed Rebecca his paperwork that needed to be signed so that he could give it back to Brad. Rebecca looked it over and grabbed her purple pen before writing her signature. "There ya go. Have a good day."

"You too gorgeous." Tom said taking the paperwork back and leaving the room.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and turned on her computer as she sat down at her desk chair. She pulled up her presentation and started writing again. She got to page 7 and ended up falling asleep.

When she heard thunder roaring behind her, she jolted up, wiping the drool off of the side of her mouth.  She looked around and was met by the evening sky behind her. She then looked up at the clock and seen it was almost 7:30. Her eyebrows raised as she started packing up her stuff. She went town to the front lobby and when she opened the door she got soaked from the rain. "Shit!" She said trying to cover herself up, but by the time she pulled out her jacket she was already soaking wet. She started waving for a taxi but with the rain pouring down as hard as it was, no one stopped.

Rebecca huffed and sat down on a bench that was thankfully covered with a canopy. When she heard a car horn blow in front of her, she looked up and saw a man walking towards her with an umbrella. "What the hell are you doing out here Rebecca?"

Rebecca looked up into the eyes of Colby and gave him a shrug. "Well i had to stay late to finish a paper and I didn't realize it was raining cats and dogs." She then looked around and saw his car. "I didn't drive to work today I walked..."

Colby shook his head. "Well thankfully, you have someone here who is trying to help you, so come on." When she looked up at him he extended his arm out. "I'm going to take you home, come on."

Rebecca shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'll just wait for a cab."

Colby rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand anyways putting her under the umbrella. "Hey! What the hell Lopez!"

Colby then placed his hand on her lower back and guided her towards his car. He opened the door for her so she could get in, then he closed it and went to the drivers side. Once he was in the car Rebecca looked over at him. "You didn't have to do this ya know?"

Colby looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "And do what... let you sit there till it quit raining? Rebecca you don't have to be so stubborn. I don't care to take you home."

Rebecca rolled her eyes and crossed her arms again. "Are you sure this ain't a kidnapping? You kind of made me get in the car."

Colby chuckled. "Well if you would have just stood up willingly I wouldn't have made you get in."

Rebecca smiled and looked ahead. Colby started the car, and drove off. Rebecca looked out the window and watched the rain fall down. She had always loved when it rained. "So...have you thought about my offer?"

Rebecca rolled her eyes again. She knew they needed to talk about it—considering she had almost a week and a half left to find someone—but she didn't want to talk about it. "Not really no..."

Colby nodded. "Well, like I said before I don't care to help you. You need a fake boyfriend and I'm willing to be him."

Rebecca looked over at him. "Why though? I thought you hated me..."

Colby furrowed his eyebrows. "Rebecca I've never hated you. I've just been busy with work so we haven't been able to talk that much."

"Colby the last time you talked to me was Saturday March 22nd...and that was 7 months ago. Pretty sure we're not friends anymore."

"You are being very extra. I've talked to you more than that. And how long has it been since you talked to Joe?" He said looking over at her. "Exactly, besides Monday, it's been a few months, but you still consider each other friends."

Rebecca shook her head. "Whatever."

Colby then laughed and shook his head looking out the window. "Seriously Becks, I'm just trying to help. You need a fake boyfriend to take to the wedding and I'm willing to help."

Rebecca thought about it. If she just accepted, she wouldn't have to worry about finding anyone else, she would be done. The only thing she worried about, was actually trying to pull it off. They would have to go on dates and exchange phone numbers and actually act like a couple, which made her cringe. But she needed to brave up, because she didn't have long before the wedding, and she was desperate. "Are you free tomorrow morning?"

When Colby looked over at her confused she continued. "If you are going to be my fake boyfriend we actually need to hang out so we can get to know each other better. I know we both love coffee so why don't we go on a little coffee "date" in the morning..."

Colby nodded and let out a small smile. "Ok. Sounds like a plan. How long until the wedding again?"

"Two weeks." Rebecca said smiling awkwardly at him.

Colby nodded again. "Alright, so we have two weeks to try and get to know each other. I'll pick you up in the morning."

Rebecca nodded and looked back at the window. Maybe Ashley was right. Maybe this was a good thing. Rebecca now didn't have to worry about finding someone, she had Colby, and she had two weeks to make sure he was the perfect fit.

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