Chapter 21

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After saying good bye to Rebecca's family, Colby and Rebecca went to the market to pick up the ingredients they needed for the cookies. Colby had never been to a market in Ireland before, so Rebecca had to show him all the differences between an American market and Irelands.

"The money is different too. So you might want me to handle that." Rebecca said as her and Colby walked throughout the store.

Colby nodded from beside of her. "Got it." He then looked down at his phone to see the recipe Annette gave him. "Alright so we need eggs, chocolate chips, sugar, milk, and flour."

Rebecca nodded. "Ok, we'll just go down the list. First we'll go get eggs, then we'll get chocolate chips, then we'll get sugar and milk, then we'll get flour!"

Colby laughed. "Yeah I got it Becks."

When the sun had set Colby and Rebecca started making the cookies. Luckily she left some of her cooking supplies when she had moved, so they had plenty of pans to use.

Rebecca turned on the jukebox as the two danced around the kitchen baking. They were laughing, talking, and most importantly having fun around each other, which made all the worries Bryan put in her head, come to rest.

Colby spun around and grabbed Rebecca by the hands pulling her in and spinning her around into a dip. Rebecca let out a big laugh and grinned. "Mr. Lopez where did you learn that?"

Colby chuckled. "I'm a man of many talents Ms. Quin."

Rebecca laughed as she grabbed a pair of oven mittens. She opened the oven and pulled out the cookies and laid them on the counter. "These look bomb." Colby said walking over beside of her.

Rebecca nodded as she closed the oven and turned around towards the cookies. "We'll my ma does make bomb food so..."

Colby smiled. "Do you want to watch a movie while we eat this?"

Rebecca looked at the time before looking up at him. "Yeah. What movie was you thinking?"

Colby shrugged. "Whatever you wanted."

Rebecca nodded. "Alright. Let's watch...Sandlot."

Colby laughed as he shook is head. "Sandlot? The movie about the teenage boys playing baseball?"

Rebecca nodded as she grabbed a cookie. "Yup. That's the one."

Colby shook his head as he walked into the living room. He grabbed the remote and put on the movie while Rebecca placed the cookies on a plate. She then grabbed them a water and headed to the couch where he was already sitting.

Somewhere along the movie Rebecca sat up and looked at Colby with a raised eyebrow. Colby looked at her and furrowed his eyes. "What are you doing?"

Rebecca shook her head. "I was just wondering...I know nothing about you." Colby closed his eyes and laid his head back. "I mean, we've been hanging out for almost two months now and I still don't know that much about you."

Colby chuckled and looked up at her. "What do you want to know? I have a pretty boring life..."

Rebecca chuckled. "Come on! I just want to know some things."

Colby looked at her and smiled. "Fine."

"Ok! My first question is what made you move all the way from Iowa to New York?" Rebecca asked laying down beside of him.

Colby sighed. "Football. After I graduated college I got drafted to the NFL and New York was the first team I signed with."

Rebecca smiled. "What made you quit? I've watched you play football and you are amazing."

Colby turned his head and looked at the tv. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it..." Rebecca said squeezing his hand. It made her feel a bit disappointed. "If you don't want to tell me that's fine."

Colby didn't say anything for a long moment. Rebecca then let go of his hand and rested her back on the couch, realizing that maybe he didn't want nothing to do with her, and that all of this really was fake. Which would make since because that's what she asked him to be, her fake date, but it still hurt knowing that that's all they may could ever be.

Rebecca hadn't been completely honest about her past either. But hurt.

"Rebecca," he finally said followed with a deep sigh. "I want to tell you. I would love to tell you everything about me." Rebecca nodded. "It's just would be the first person I would be telling my past to." Rebecca gave him a reassuring smile.

Rebecca then laid back down beside of him resting her head on her shoulder. "It's ok to open up to me. I promise not to walk away." Colby chuckled at her response. "Plus I'm pretty comfy so I wouldn't get up anyways."

Colby rested his chin on top of Rebecca's. "I had always played football. I have loved it and baseball ever since I was little. My dad  started teaching me when I was real young, so I had been playing for a while."

Rebecca looked up at him and listened. "I was in middle school when my mom found out she had cancer, and after she died that's all my dad made me do. Football. He made me practice every day, and I know practice makes perfect, but as I got older I realized Football wasn't something I wanted to do forever."

"I didn't know your mother had died..." Rebecca whispered softly.

"Not many people know." He said sighing again. "Anyways, when I was in college I got more into engineering skills and decided that's what I wanted to do with my life. But before I graduated ,my football application got accepted by a team in California, so my dad forced me to go."

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows. "You didn't graduate in Iowa?"

Colby shook his head. "No. I graduated from California and then moved back home." He paused for a second before continuing. "I wanted to make my dad proud but i was so sick of football. I had been doing it for almost 15 years and I wanted to do something else. When I told him that, we got into a fight and we've not talked in years."

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