Chapter 23

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That night was the most peaceful sleep Colby had gotten in almost 5 years. Every time he closed his eyes his mother, father, and his hatred for football crossed his mind. But that night not one single bad thought came into his head. Instead he thought of everything good in his life, which was his favorite person laying down asleep on his chest.

She had woken up a few times in the middle of the night to throw up, and every time she did, Colby was right by her side comforting her. Even though she probably wouldn't remember anything that happened, he was still enjoying his time with her.

The next morning, when Colby and Rebecca finally got up, the two headed down town to a cafe so they could get coffee. Rebecca still had a slight headache from the hangover, so she and Colby were both hoping the coffee would help.

"Do you want your usual?" Colby asked from beside of her. Rebecca nodded sleeplessly which made Colby chuckle. "Are you ok Red?"

Rebecca nodded and gave him a slight smile. "I'll be okay. You go ahead and order I'm going to go take a seat." When Colby nodded Rebecca walked over to a table of two and sat down, laying her head on the table.

After a few minutes Colby came over and sat her coffee down in front of her before taking a seat across from her. "So..." Colby said making Rebecca look up. "How many days until the wedding?"

Rebecca grabbed her cup and took a sip letting it all soak in. "Uh it's Saturday. So we have a few days."

Colby nodded before he took a sip of his coffee. "Seems like time has flew by since we got here."

Rebecca nodded and smiled at him. "Yeah...but we have till next Friday before we leave so maybe time will slow down a little bit." They didn't talk for a few minutes, as they were drinking there coffees and watching people come in and out of the cafe. "But I do have to say...hanging out with you, these past couple of weeks, it's been really fun."

Colby smiled and played with his cup. "Yeah. It has been..."

Rebecca's smile then faded as she remembered the terms of their agreement. "So I guess when we go back...everything will go back the same huh?"

Colby looked down at his coffee, trying not to make eye contact with her. "That's what we agreed to..."

"That doesn't mean we can't change our agreement though...I enjoy being around you. We could still go for coffee or hangout after work if you wanted...but i understand if you want things to go back to the way it was."

Colby then shook his head finally making eye contact with her. "Becks...I think we should just see what happens ok?"

Rebecca then nodded. "Yeah. Of course."

A phone call interrupted them. "Hang on." Colby said standing up and walking to a corner to take the call.

Rebecca tried not to listen in, but when she heard Colby mumble something about a new manager she began to worry. Had something happened to Brad? Was Colby moving to another job? Is Tom going to be her new manager? Tons of ideas went through Rebecca's head as she waited for him to come back.

She finished her coffee by the time Colby came back and sat down. "Is everything ok?" Rebecca asked getting even more nervous.

Colby nodded and smiled. "Everything's great."

Rebecca's nerves calmed down a bit, but she was still curious. She didn't want to aggravate him with a bunch of questions...but she had to know. "Colby...don't get mad at me for eavesdropping, but I heard Brad say something about new manager? What's going on?"

Colby set his coffee cup back down and looked at Rebecca nervously. "He's ok if that's what you're wondering. He's transferring to Maryland, so he was just telling me about it."

Rebecca tilted her head afraid of what he was going to say next. " what are they going to do about the manager?"

Colby reached over the table and gently grabbed her hands. "Becks...he offered me the manager job."

Rebecca let out a gasp and a smile crept through her face. Her smile then faded when she realized why he was so nervous. In their company policy it states that a manager can't be in a romantic relationship with one of their employees. And if Colby takes the job, him and Rebecca can't be together.

"Colby...that's great news." Rebecca said looking at him nodding her head. "I'm happy for you."

Colby then gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "I don't want to take it if that means I can't be with you Rebecca."

Rebecca's heart broke into a million pieces. She knew how much closer her and and Colby were getting, and she should have put a stop to it. Now he's not going to take the job because of her. "Colby you have to take the job. That's top tier in our department! You would be a great manager, don't let me stop you from doing so ok?"

Colby shook his head and squeezed her hands once more. "I don't want to lose this job opportunity...but I also don't want to lose you."

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