Chapter 4

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"I just need to know if you're a bringing your boyfriend sweetheart." Annette, Rebecca's mom, said from the other end of the phone. "I already made reservations for you both so I'm just making sure he's coming."

Rebecca was tempted just to tell her they broke up. In fact that's all she had to do and she would never have to worry about finding a man to go with her. But that also came with the fact that if she went by herself, she would be the talk of the two weeks.

Rebecca sighed and rested her head on her hand. "Yeah yeah he's coming." A knock at the door made her look up from the phone. "Hang on a second. Come in!"

The door opened and Ashley came into the room with her and Rebecca's lunch. "Hey." She whispered sitting the food down on Rebecca's desk and taking a seat.

Rebecca smiled and thanked her. "Sorry that-"

"Is that your boyfriend? Can I talk to him? I don't think I can wait for another week and a half!" Annette said cheerfully from the other side of the phone.

Rebecca sighed and chuckled. "Uhm, it was Ashley. It's our lunch break so she brought us some food."

Annette nodded and sighed. "Can you at least tell me his name? I'm really happy for you, and I want to get to know him."

Rebecca smiled and wished she could hug her mom. She hardly ever got to see her family where they lived in another country. She also wishes she could hug her dad again. He had gotten sick and put in the nursing home and Rebecca never got the chance to see him before he died, so she tries to keep in touch with her mother as much as possible. She couldn't imagine what her mom had to go through, losing a best friend and a husband all at once.

"Well i promise you will love him. And just so you don't worry, he makes me really happy mom." Rebecca smiled as she heard her mother's breath catch and then chuckle. She knew her mother wanted the best for her, so hearing her sound so happy made her heart smile. "Well I better go and eat lunch ma. I'll see you in a few weeks ok? I love you."

"I love you more sweetie. You have an amazing week." Annette hung up which left Ashley and Rebecca in the room.

"How's your mom?" Ashley said taking a bite of her fries.

Rebecca took out her mashed potatoes and stuck her fork into them before taking a bite. "She's doing good. She's just making sure I'm bringing my boyfriend."

"You mean your boyfriend who you still haven't found..." Ashley chuckled. "Becks you seriously need to find someone. The wedding is in three weeks and you still haven't asked ANYBODY."

Rebecca sighed and took another bite of her food. "I know...I just don't know what to do! I don't know what man-"

The door opened and Brad came in with some paperwork. "Hey Ashley. Hey Rebecca, sorry to bother you on your lunch break, but I needed to talk to you about something."

Ashley took a sip of her drink and stood up. "I'll come back in a few."

Rebecca nodded and stood up shutting the door as Brad sat down at her desk. "So yesterday, at the meeting, you gave an amazing presentation. And I just wanted to let you know that I think you're ideas were really good."

Rebecca smiled shocked. "Oh! Wow. Okay! Yeah, thank you Brad that means a lot."

Brad nodded and flipped through some pages. "With that being said I was wondering if you would be willing to add some more to this and present it to the Authority."

Rebecca froze and took the papers that he handed her. "Uh..."

"You'll do amazing! You have already half of it done, all you need is 14 more pages written before next Friday."

Rebecca opened her desk drawer and pulled out her planner writing the due date down. Then after he thanked her, he walked out. Rebecca rubbed her hair out of her face. Oh my god.

Rebecca put her head on the desk and took a few deep breaths. Ashley came back in and walked over to her friend giving her a pat on the back. "What did he say?"

Rebecca raised her head back up and looked up at her. "Well he said he really enjoyed my presentation yesterday and now I have to write 14 more pages so that I can present it to the authority."

Ashley's mouth dropped. "Becks! Oh my god! This is amazing!"

"No. No it's not." Rebecca said shaking her head. "I was a nervous wreck during my presentation yesterday, can you imagine what I will be like Friday!"

Ashley wrapped her arms around Rebecca and tried to calm her down. "It will be ok. It will all be worth it after Friday." Ashley's phone rang so she stepped aside to answer it. A few seconds later she was walking towards the door. "I have to meet an interviewer. I'll talk to you later Becks!"

Rebecca waved at her and when she shut the door she sighed for the billionth time today and rested her head on the desk. Rebecca didn't plan on writing 14 more pages for the authority. She didn't even like her writing, let alone did she think Brad would like it. She wanted to dig up a hole and crawl into it for a few months. She wouldn't have to do the paper, she wouldn't have to worry about finding a date, and she wouldn't have to worry about the stupid big wedding.

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