Chapter 6

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Rebecca didn't know why she accepted his offer so easily. From what she heard from her co workers, Colby Lopez was the biggest douche in New York. But she had two weeks to figure out if that was true or not, and she was hoping it wasn't.

After Colby dropped her off, she ran inside and jumped on her bed, her back in the air. She rubbed at her eyes because of how much they were hurting her. She had been staring at a big screen for 10 hours, and every time she blinked she saw dots. Rebecca got up and went into her kitchen to grab some ibuprofen before going and getting ready for bed.

The next morning she woke up and got dressed to work. She got a text from Colby, reminding her that he would be there in an hour to pick her up, so she made sure she was ready before 8. When she heard the car horn blow she grabbed her purse, locked her door, and went outside. Colby unlocked the car door and she got in. "Hi."

Colby smiled as she put her seatbelt on. "Hey. Is it the same coffee shop we both go to or were you wanting to go somewhere else?"

Rebecca pulled out her phone. "It's the same one we were at the other day." She opened her missed messages and seen she had one from her brother making sure she was still bringing "her new mate". Rebecca replied with a thumbs up emoji before shutting of her phone. She looked over at Colby with her lips pressed together. "How was your evening?"

Colby cleared his throat and took a right turn. "It was good. After I dropped you off I finished up on a football game, then i crashed."

Rebecca nodded slowly. "Who's your favorite team?"

"Chicago Bears." Rebecca smiled and nodded. "I've been a fan of them since I was little. My dad used to take me to their home games all of the time when I was little."

Rebecca smiled. "That's sounds like fun."

Colby smiled and nodded too. "Yeah, it was." He looked back at the road before speaking again. "Are you into any sports?"

Rebecca looked over at Colby and shrugged. "I like football and basketball."

Colby nodded. "Ah. I like basketball pretty good. Who's your favorite teams?"

"Well my favorite football team is Dallas." Colby laughed and looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Yep. When I first moved to America a stranger was giving free tickets away at a gas station. I thought it was for a soccer game because that's what it's called in Ireland, but when I arrived I realized it was a lot different. But I liked it better than soccer so."

Colby laughed. "Ok...well what about basketball?"

Rebecca looked ahead at the road. "Golden state. I've always been a fan of Stephen Curry, so I'll say his team."

Colby nodded as stopped at a red light, and then it was quiet for the rest of the ride over. Once Colby pulled into the coffee shop, they went in. He walked over to a table at the back and they sat down. "So. Let's start with the basics. My brother is getting married and the reason I needed a date was because my family would make me the talk of the whole two weeks we are there, and I don't want that."

Colby nodded as he scooted his chair closer to the table. "Alright. What's some other things I need to know?"

"Well, my mothers name is Annette. She loves cooking and gardening so if you want to start a conversation with her talk about those, or me. She'll talk all day about me. She is also very catholic, so she'll probably give us a sex talk." Rebecca said pressing her lips together.

"Oh. Perfect." Colby said crossing his arms over his chest.

Rebecca nodded. "Uhm yeah. My brothers name is Richie and he's getting married to a girl name Katie. My brother is very protective over me so be prepared to be asked how much you "love" me."

Colby nodded and smiled. "I love her to the moon and back, I promise to never hurt her." He said laughing.

Rebecca laughed. "Yep. Tell him exactly that." When the waitress came over they gave her their orders before she continued. "All of my family will be there, so you'll have to meet all of them, but those three are really the only names you need to remember."

Colby nodded. "Okay, that don't seem so bad. What about your father? What does he like?"

Rebecca's smiled turned downward as she looked down at her ring. " dad he uh... sadly passed away."

Colby frowned and pressed his lips together. "I'm so sorry Rebecca. I didn't know."

Rebecca shook her head and looked up at him. "It's ok. I mean it's not ok, I wish he was still here, but I've grieved so I'm...ok I guess."

Colby gave her a sad smile. The waitress came back and handed them their coffees before leaving again. She then came back with Rebecca's cookie that she ordered. "Really? At 8 am you're eating a cookie?" Colby said laughing.

Rebecca smiled and shrugged. "They're good! I eyed them when I walked in so I had to get one."

Colby took a sip of his coffee. "Ok so how's this fake dating thing gonna work? Do I just act like I'm your boyfriend around them...or do I-"

Rebecca shook her head. "Well yeah. We need to act like we are in love during the two weeks we'll be there. We also need to get used to acting that way, so I thought maybe we could hang out more."

Colby nodded and smiled. "Yeah we can do that. We can start hanging out more at work too, so people can believe it."

Rebecca nodded. "True." She took a bite of her cookie and took a sip of her coffee before looking back up again. "Are you sure you're ok with doing this?"

Colby smiled. "I have never been so sure about anything."

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