Chapter 11

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It was Friday. And Rebecca had never worked so hard in her entire life. Since she and Colby were leaving next Wednesday, she had to get all of her work done before Monday. She had been in her office for 24 hours now, without food or water. She felt like she was in a survival game, and in reality she really was.

She hadn't had enough sleep either. In the past 24 hours she slept for 20 minutes...and that was after she fell asleep working on another engineering presentation. She knew she needed to eat, but if she took any break she would fall asleep, and she need it to be done by tomorrow morning.

She was also trying to lose a few pounds before the wedding. Katie had sent her a text Tuesday night, telling Rebecca that she went ahead and bought her bridesmaids dress. But when Rebecca seen what size she bought her, she wanted to disappear—forever.

It's not that she wasn't grateful, because in reality she really was, it was just the fact that she order the dress too small, and Rebecca knew she wouldn't be able to fit in it. Rebecca though was to scared to tell Katie that the dress was too small, so she was doing everything in her power to lose some weight—even if that meant starving herself.

Rebecca sat at her desk typing the—hopefully—last page of her presentation. After her last one she was determined to make it matter what. Which is why she hasn't left the building since Thursday morning. She hasn't even talked to Colby since Monday. Rebecca sighed after finishing a paragraph before pressing her palms into her eyes.

She sighed when she started seeing dots, and finally, she decided to get up to go to the break room. When she got up she was light headed though—no doubt because she hadn't ate or drank anything—and when she looked outside she seen it was already night. Rebecca then grabbed her phone and headed out of her office.

She walked down the hall—scanning the rooms to see if anyone was still there—before stopping at the elevator. If anyone was there she was hoping it was anyone other than Tom. She was still pissed at him, from the press conference and the banquet. Shaking her head she pressed the button and then went down into the break room.

She put some coffee on and leaned up against the wall waiting for it to brew. She nearly fell asleep standing up, and when she dozed off for a minute, her knees buckled—almost sending her to the floor—but she caught herself and stood back up.

When she looked over she saw that the coffee was done, so she grabbed her favorite mug—one that Ashley bought her— and poured her some coffee. She then headed for the elevator and went back upstairs.

When she was walking towards her office she started seeing dots again. She shook her head and took a drink of her coffee before getting dizzy. She spun around to look for anything around her, and when she did, she fell down to the floor spilling her coffee everywhere. She sat up on her knees trying to clean up her mess, but when she tried to stand back up she fell right back down and everything went black.

              .           .            .           .           .            .           .

"Rebecca?" She heard her voice from a distance. "Shit! Rebecca!" She heard again but this time it was closer. She felt herself being picked up bridal style and when she stirred she heard that voice again. "Becks? I've got you hang on."

Rebecca slowly opened up her eyes and when she looked up at the person carrying her, she wanted to pass out again. She looked around and didn't see anyone when she went to the break room, so to see her fake boyfriend carrying her back to her office made her heart skip a beat.

Colby pushed Rebecca's door open before lying her on her couch. "What are you still doing here?" She questioned as he knelt down in front of her.

Colby rolled his eyes. "I should be asking you that!" He exclaimed pushing some hair out of her face. "What the hell happened Becks?"

Rebecca rubbed her eyes before looking down at him. She rolled her eyes and sighed, "I passed out..."

Colby nodded as his eyes went wide. "Clearly. But what made you pass out?"

Rebecca swallowed before looking towards the hallway. "I need to clean up my mess." When she tried to get up Colby pressed her back towards the couch. "I was just trying to-"

"Rebecca." Colby's stern voice made her look back into his dreamy eyes. "What made you pass out?"

She knew Colby was going to be mad at her, because who wouldn't? He pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Talk to me..."

Rebecca sighed, "I haven't eaten anything in 24 hours."

Colby shook his head before standing up. "Becks! Why?"

"Because I've been busy with my presentation." Colby titled his head and gave her a look. "And I'm trying to lose weight before the wedding."

Colby put his hands in his pockets and looked at the clock. "Rebecca first off, you have to eat and stay hydrated. Secondly, why do you need to lose weight?"

Rebecca's heart warmed. "Katie ordered my dress a size to small."

Colby chuckled. "Just buy you a new dress then." Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Hang here, I'll be right back."

She watched as Colby left the room and come back with a Burger King bag in hand. "I had just gotten back a few minutes ago." He sat the bag on the table in front of her. "Here. Eat this." He handed her a burger and fries and sat down on the couch beside of her.

Rebecca picked up the fries and started eating them. "Thank you..."

Colby smiled as he pulled another burger out of the bag. "You're welcome..." He said smiling at her.

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