"Please take a seat, I will serve you the food once Sage comes," Erick said while pointing at the dining table. They both walked toward the table. I remember Elijah bonded so well with Erick in only one night. They talked to each other even when I went to sleep. 

"There she is" I heard Erick's voice which made me look at him. 

"Sweetheart, what are you doing there? Come join us" Dad said while looking at me. Mint, who was sleeping, woke up and started to follow me as I walked toward them. 

"Who is this little guy," dad asked as he saw Mint dancing by wiggling his tail. He always gets excited and happy to see new people. Dad patted his head as he continued dancing. 

"He is Mint, our pet dog," I said with a small smile on my face while I looked from dad to Erick. Erick was a bit shocked but he didn't say anything. Erick was the one who was now taking most of the care of Mint. 

"He is a good boy," dad said as he moved his hand forward and Mint put his paw in Dad's open palm. I smiled looking at them. We all love dogs except mom. 

"Dad, how is everyone doing? How are mom and Elijah?" I asked him as I helped Erick in serving our food on plates. 

"Everyone is good and they miss you," dad said as he looked at me, still patting Mints' head. 

"How is our restaurant doing," I asked as I put Dad's plate in front of him. 

"It's been great since you sent me some good recipes to add to our breakfast menu. People are loving it. Our regular customers ask for you now and then" dad informed me while eating the food. I put some food in Mint's food bowl. I was not hungry. My appetite was long lost. During dinner, dad asked me how my work was and how I was doing. How the people I work with were. Is my boss nice? At that question gulped hard and looked at Erick. He saved me and then let me swallow my food with a nervous smile on my face. 

"I would like to visit the restaurant you work at. Elijah said it was a big place and he had only seen it from the outside. I know restaurants here are lavish and bigger than our small town dinner" he said while drinking his water. When he said he wanted to visit the restaurant  I stopped eating my food and looked at him. I just gave him a small nod with a pinched smile on my face. 

"Sage darling stop playing with your food and eat it" dad scolded making me look at him. It's been so long since I have heard that. Tears started to well up in my eyes. I nodded my head and started eating. At this moment I realised what I needed. I need my family most now. Erick offered his room to dad but dad refused. Saying he will sleep on the couch. I told him to sleep in my room but he still refused. Wishing us a good night. Erick went to his room to sleep. 

"He is a good guy. Do you like him," dad asked me out of nowhere while I was putting a blanket on the couch. 

"Dad," I exclaimed looking into his lit-up eyes. 

"Dad, he is my landlord. We are just very good friends and he is engaged" I deadpanned, making the light in his dime a bit. 

"Oh," he said with a small nod. I wished him a good night with a thigh hug and then went back to my room to sleep. The next day I didn't want to go to work but I had to. Dad was at home and I didn't want to roam in the house with a sad face. Yesterday I hid my sadness from him but he will catch it if he sees it again on my face. I told him I would take a holiday but he refused to say he is staying here for a week so we can go out at the weekend. Dad decided to stay at home and spend time with Mint. So I left for work after breakfast. Erick dropped me at work even when I told him I would take the subway. I felt so overwhelmed throughout the ride. I don't know how I will be able to hold myself. I kept swallowing my tears. Eric got out of his car and he got out too. 

"Thank you for dropping me," I said in my small voice with a small smile on my face. He again lifted his hand and wiped the corner of my eye which had the remains of tears I was trying to swallow. 

"I will come to pick you up too until then be strong," he said in an encouraging voice with a smile on his face. I nodded my head. Erick is not a smiling kind of guy but he was doing it for me as a good friend. I sniffed and bobbed my head while bringing up a smile on my face. Suddenly I flinched in my place as I heard the loud honk out of nowhere. I turned my face to look in the direction with a racing heart. I saw the head chef's car was behind us and he was looking at us with his still grey eyes. His jaw was clenched as he looked at us while gripping the steering wheel tightly. So today he decided to come to work. 

"Go inside," Erick said in his firm voice, making me look at him. I said bye to him and then walked into the restaurant. I walked inside and went to the kitchen after changing into my chef attire. Everyone, we're a bit relieved after looking at me. Even James was happy to see me. 

"Don't worry guys I won't leave without saying bye to you all?" I said in my firm voice with a small smile on my face making them smile back at me. I started working with them. The head chef came and started working making everyone go silent. I looked at him but he didn't even spare a glance at me. I remembered what happened yesterday. I swallowed hard and continued working. Tension in the air was increasing with every passing second. 

"Sage, bring some chicken from cold storage," James asked me while cutting vegetables. 

"Sure," I said while washing my hand, wiping it on my apron. I walked out of the kitchen. I very badly wanted to be alone and James asked me to do it. I walked into the cold storage and put some chicken in the basket with some vegetables I needed. I had got everything but when I turned around I flinched again on my spot. I saw him standing in front of the door with a clenched jaw. My heart started beating very fast as he took threatening steps toward me. I swallowed hard and tried to walk away passing him but he took hold of my wrist and pulled me back. Making the basket fall out of my hand and scattered on the floor. He pinned me to the wall while looking down at me with his mad eyes.

My chest raised and fell as an unknown fear pumped into it. 
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