"Oh, now now, my dear. No use in starting up your quirk. I'm not here to antagonise you."

"Come out and fight me!" Kat growled.

"I'm not here for you, either. Just him." A dark shadow shot out towards Mido. And luckily, despite being told not to, I had been using my quirk. I shoved the greenette out of the way and braced myself for an impact that never came.

"You'll have to go through us first." Todoroki's low voice spat as the room became a few degrees cooler.

"Oh, you children are going to be problems, aren't you?"

"They aren't called my problem children for nothing, villain." Father stood up straight and instinctively went to grab his scarf, only to clutch at nothing. All for One laughed.

"If you're all geared up for a fight, who am I to deny you?"

"What are you-" Iida began, only to be cut off by a syringe on a long tube flying towards him.

"Aw! Don't dodge! I want to taste you." A manic voice giggled from the shadows. Toga stepped out, closely followed by Twice and Dabi. My eyes locked in on the dark-haired man, narrowing angrily.

"Hi, Hata! Shut up you moron, she's not our friend anymore!" Twice waved before turning his head and hissing at himself.

"Where's your crusty boss?" Kat asked, flexing his fingers, ready for a fight. "I need to teach him a fucking lesson for putting his raggedy-ass fingers on my girlfriend."

"This is your boyfriend!" Toga gasped. "He's just as cute as you are, Hata! I'm gonna drink all of his yummy blood!"

"Yeah, where is Shigaraki?" I curled my shaking hands into fists to distract myself from Toga's comments. "Is he too scared to face me?" A shiver made its way up my spine as fingers ghosted over my cheek. A body pressed against my back and a voice whispered in my ear.

"You're the one who should be scared." Letting instinct do its job, I spun around and straightened my arm until my fist made heavy contact with Shigaraki's face. And then kept going. My eyes widened. I opened my hand and watched the thick, grey goop drop through my fingers. Toga cackled.

"That's not very manly of you." Kiri frowned, punching his fists together and activating his quirk. In the corner of my eye, I could see Father slowly pushing Dad behind him and Hawks. Endeavour was the only one not in a fighting stance. Arrogant pr-

"I don't believe it could be called 'manly' to assault the young master. Two times." Kurogiri spoke calmly, appearing next to Dabi.

"He deserved it. Both times." I spat.

"That hurts. Not as much as your breakup slap did. But it stings a little." Shigaraki rasped, stepping out of a portal next to me.

"Are you real this time?"

"Excited to see me?" When he received no response, Shigaraki opened his arms smugly. "Why don't you find out?"

"As much as I'd love to, Twice leaves stains." I sniffed. He lifted his hand up to Father and slowly removed it from his face to reveal his wide eyes and crazed smile.

"Then allow me."

"I don't fucking think so!" Kat roared, throwing an explosion before Shigaraki could even finish lunging towards me.

And that spurred the action.

"Team!" Iida didn't have to tell us twice. Not when Dabi, who had been silently watching over us with an eagle-like stare, was making his way towards my parents.

"Oh no you don't. You're dead." I snarled, dodging Kaminari's lightning as he engaged with Spinner. Wait, where did everyone else come from? I glanced at Kurogiri, who was standing calmly at the back of the room.

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