Chapter 4

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I survived my first week at UA.

I lay in bed, listening to the birds chirping happily outside my window, enjoying the peace. Ramen sat in a ball next to me, his tail resting lazily on my cheek. Dad was out on a patrol with one of his hero friends for the morning, and my father would happily sit in bed all day. So I was free to do what I wanted. Or so I thought.



Buzz buzz.

Looking at my phone in disgust, I wondered who the hell was messaging me so much on a Saturday morning.


Sparky: Morning guys!

Spidey: Ugh why are you awake

Rocky: Bro, it's like 10am

Our names are all matching!

Pinky: Yep! You'll like Bakugos + Hinamis

Scary: Why are we the Bakusquad? And what ab our names?

Oh. Am I scary?


Sparky: Now that we r all here

any1 want 2 go out today?

Angry: NO

Pinky: Gotta pack sry!

Scary: Same

Rocky: Got chores to do... how unmanly

Spidey: Guess it's just us 2

Sparky: aw :(

I'll slide in ur DMs

I sighed and shook my head. Idiots. Now I was fully awake, and pretty hungry too.

Walking downstairs, Ramen following me, I made a mental list of what I could eat for breakfast. Pancakes? Cereal? Toast? Do we have any Nutella left? Two voices cut my thoughts off.

"We can't cancel the trip." Toshinori?

"I know. But what if my students are in danger?" Danger?

"Uncle? What are you doing here? What danger?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I walked over to them. Uncle Toshi - All Might to you - put his long, spindly arm around me protectively.

"It's nothing, little one." He said.


"Hinami." Father cut in firmly. I ran my tongue along my top teeth, as I usually did when I was annoyed. I walked over to the other side of the kitchen and started making some cereal.

"I'm back." Dad called.

"Hi Dad."


"Good morning."

He walked over and kissed Father's cheek before sitting down with them.

"Dad?" I called, determined to find an answer to my previous questions.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"You're not gonna let them cancel the trip, are you?" My eyes widened and I pouted slightly. It was a trick mastered over many years, and it never failed to make him melt.

The Other Side - Katsuki Bakugou x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora