Chapter 47

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"Is everyone sure they have no questions?" Yaomomo's voice sounded loud and clear through the earpiece she had created.

"Can you bend over?" Ugh, Mineta. I forgot he even existed.

"Can I bend what, over?" I replied so that Yaomomo wouldn't have to, as Kat sniggered.

"You know what I meant."

"Remember what happened in the changing rooms, you stupid grape." Kat snarled before adding. "Over."

"Guys, no arguing over the coms. And no being a pervert over them either." Midoriya scolded, adding tentatively. "Over?"

"Are you in place, Deku?" Ochaco sounded nervous. Not that I could blame her.

"Yes. Just waiting on Shoto."

"I'm almost there. Just making sure the ice is fully frozen on this door." Todo sounded as flat as usual, but I had seen him pacing this morning.

"Everything looking good on your end?"

"Yes, I'm in place and ready. Nothing looks suspicious."

"Nothing sounds out of place either. It's actually a little quieter than expected." Jirou and Shoji were on surveillance.

"Tokoyami and I are ready too, kerro."

"The ice is done."

"Is that everyone checked in?" Yaomomo checked. I turned to face my group. Kirishima grinned and pounded his fists together. Kaminari gave two thumbs ups. Katsuki nodded solemnly.

"Seems so." I spoke into the little microphone.

"All Might, on my signal, you move in. Everyone else, on my second signal, you all move. Jirou and Shoji, keep in touch to let each team know what's going on around them. This is it, class." Tenya was flourishing in the role given to him. He truly was the best class rep we could have asked for.


"Good luck everyone!"

"We can do it, kerro."

"Give it your all!"

"Plus-ultra or whatever, extras."

"Great. In that case, All Might?"

"Yes, young Iida?"


"Of course."

"Then... Move!"

A split second passed before a crashing sound came from the other side of the building. I could almost hear him yell 'I am here' from where I was crouching. Peering out from behind the bushes we were hidden behind, I could see our entrance. A window. The room looked like some kind of office, and it was empty. Perfect.

The building was small and looked like a normal office building in the mountains, away from the hustle and bustle of the nearby town. But under the surface, it was an ants nest of tunnels, secret rooms, and villains. And heroes. My parents are down there. Kat squeezed my hand.

"We can do this, Hina."

"Of course we can. Just don't go running off."


"Oh, come on, Bakubro. We all know that you love going off to prove a point."

"Just stick with us, okay?" Kami and Kiri smiled. After a moment's thought, I put my fist out. Kiri copied my action.

"Aw, yeah!" Kami did the same. With a 'tch', Katsuki completed the circle of fists.

"Plus-ultra, guys. We can do this."

The Other Side - Katsuki Bakugou x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora