Chapter 31

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When she entered her house, Hinami simply stood there for a while, taking it all in. Mic watched her, half amused and half confused.

"You okay, sweetie?"

"Hm? Oh! Yeah... Just..." A meow stopped her. She looked down to see a fat fluffy tabby cat rubbing happily on her leg. "Ramen!" He gladly jumped up into her arms, nuzzling her cheek lovingly. Mic smiled at them.

"He's missed you as much as we have."

As much as the couple wanted nothing more than to swamp her in love, Mic and Aizawa let Hinami spend the rest of the day in bed. They assumed she was tired after the whole ordeal and, honestly, she was.

Stepping in the house had been overwhelming. To be somewhere so familiar yet so distant, somewhere where all of her memories were cold, yet her heart felt so warm...

The dorms were even worse.

She wanted to get back to class as soon as she could, so moved back into the doors after just a few days. When she entered them, she was met with... mixed reactions.

Everyone looked up at her, the room growing silent other than the low rumble of whatever tv show some of them were watching.

"H-hi, Hinami." Kami said shakily, standing up and walking over to her. "How's... things?" She stared at him for a moment.

"You don't have to pretend, you know. You're scared of me."

"Scared isn't the right word." She nodded at his tentative response. As she went to walk off, she bumped into a hard chest.



"It's nice to have you back. I knew you didn't betray us." Looking into each other's eyes, the pair shared a brief smile. But it still felt like someone had stabbed him. Without a word, she swept through the tense common room. As soon as she left, the bubble burst and talking overtook the room.

"She could have stayed to talk! I wanted to ask her questions!"

"Questions? I want an apology."

After a few moments, Katsuki tutted and announced loudly.

"Shut up you stupid extras. It's her first day back in the dorms. Let her have some rest before you swarm her." And with that, he also left to go upstairs, an uneasy feeling gnawing at him. She had called him Bakugo.

Meanwhile, up in her room, Hinami was sitting on her bed, head in hands. There was a strange, heavy feeling pressing down on her shoulders and a tight feeling in her chest. Her head was pounding. Everything was so confusing.

Her memories of this place were fuzzy and distant, but distinctly cold. So cold. Just like everything else was. Yet, stepping into the common room, she didn't feel out of place. It felt right to be there. Well, aside from the critical glares of her classmates. Their looks made it a little easier to believe that they didn't like her.

Except for that blonde one-

"Guess who." A scratchy voice said, as two cold hands covered her eyes, not touching her face.

"Tomura! What are you doing here?"

"I missed you. And I wanted to check in on you. You didn't exactly leave on good terms with your class."

"Yeah. That's pretty clear now..."

"What do you mean?" Shigaraki sat down on her bed and she leant on his shoulder. He tensed at her touch and quickly relaxed again, but she didn't miss it.

The Other Side - Katsuki Bakugou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now